Два варіанти волонтерства в Туреччині

Коротко- та довгострокове волонтерство у Туреччині від НГО “Стелла”: ESC Opportunities in Toy Library Association

Looking for: 4 Volunteers (2 Long + 2 Short Terms)

Long Term Duration: 12 Months (01 January 2021 – 31 December 2021)

Short Term Duration: 59 Days (01 January 2020 – 28 February 2021)

Venue: Ankara, Turkey

Deadline: as soon as possible

Toy Library Association is looking for 4 ESC Volunteers for 2021 – 2022. As a private NGO from Ankara-Turkey our main purpose is to provide equal opportunities for disadvantaged children. Our main activity is managing toy donation organizations for the schools in rural areas. Besides that we work on various workshops for children and seminars for parents. So If you have a local volunteering mind set or have experience in workshops you are welcome to apply. We also work on alternative education methods for children such as Montessori, non-formal learning, creative drama etc.

Project Name: This Library is not Quiet 5

Project Target Group: Disadvantaged Children

Hosting Organization: Oyuncak Kütüphanesi Derneği (Toy Library Association)

Project Responsibilities:

  • Toy Donation Organization
  • Children Activities
  • Parent Seminars
  • World Play Day Celebrations
  • Promotion, Visibility and Media

What might be hard: Wood workshops, Turkish language, Turkish culture, staying away from a family for a year, adaptation for a new culture etc.

What is necessary: At least 24 years age (no more than 30 y.o.), knowledge in alternative education, creative in art, handcraft, motivation, leadership, responsibilities, cooperation with young people, working with children.

You can find more information about us on this Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/Oyuncak-K%C3%BCt%C3%BCphanesi-515524171793913/?ref=bookmarks

How to Apply?

If you are interested in volunteering, please send us your CV with a motivation letter.

E-mail: oyuncakkutuphanesi@gmail.com

Інформація про відправляючу організацію:


PIC: 947609200

OID: E10185376

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org, info@ngo-stella.org

Accreditation number 2018-1-PL01-KA110-051769

Phone number: +380977156420, +380634883589

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