Бакалаврат, магістратура або PhD в Туреччині

Назва: Türkiye Bursları

Офіційний сайт: https://turkeyscholarship.com/

Для кого: для всіх охочих отримати ступінь бакалавра, магістра або доктора наук

Дедлайн: 20 лютого 2021

The Turkish government offers free Turkish scholarships to international students all around the world. And they cover almost all disciplines and all levels of study: bachelor, master, and doctorate. If you are an undergraduate, you can apply for these courses.

    • Business Administration
    • Genetics and Molecular Biology
    • Architecture
    • Engineering
    • Science and medicine programs
    • Turkish language programs and
    • Mathematics

The fully-funded Turkey Scholarship covers the following:

    • The full tuition fee of the Turkish University degree program
    • Monthly living expense pocket money paid to the student
    • Student’s Health and sickness insurance
    • Travel ticket reservations
    • Funding for conferences and projects

What is the Eligibility Criteria to apply for Turkey Scholarship?

    • You need to pass international examinations like the ACT, IB OR SAT, etc. to apply for Turkey scholarships.
    • You should have a TOEFL (The Test of English as a Foreign Language) certification. The certification is an international benchmark which shows that you are good enough to take a course at a university.
    • It is recommended that you should show an official academic record, showing all certificates, courses, and grades which you may have received in your academic career.
    • You need to provide a letter stating your purpose in taking this scholarship program. If your Statement of Purpose requires improvements and the essential key points are missing in your SOP then, you may face rejection.
    • It is not required to apply for admission to various universities under the Turkey Scholarship 2019. You only need to fill out the application form.
    • Citizens of all countries are eligible for scholarships from Turkey.

Where to submit Turkey Scholarship Application?

The applicants of Turkey Scholarship are required to submit an online application and then wait for the final result disclosure for further proceedings.

Подати заявку: https://turkeyscholarship.com/turkey-scholarship-for-undergrad-ms-and-phd-2020-21/

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