Короткострокове волонтерство в Бодрумі!

НГО Стелла шукає волонтера на міжнародний проект до Туреччини. Незабутні враження, колоритна країна та компанія із колег-волонтерів з 13 різних країн – все це чекає на вас!

When: 1.03.2020 – 31.03.2020

Where: Bodrum, Turkey

Deadline: 30.01.2020

The aim of the project is to support environmental protection movement and eco-friendly lifestyle by using nature art, or Land Art. During 4 weeks of the project volunteers will be working in teams on creating Land Art objects and promoting them among local population in Bodrum drawing attention to ecological problems and environmental protection.

By designing land art objects volunteers will assist local artists, arrange logistics and locations for land art creations, collect materials for creating land art pieces and implement the the art itself. Combining their skills and using their experience together volunteers will work towards one common outcome of the project – Land Art Exhibition or Land Art Festival.

More information about the project and the hosing organization you can find here http://bit.ly/2QLxrbg

Profile of the volunteer:

✔️ Volunteer has experience in performing any kind of arts, or is interested in arts and craft;

✔️ Volunteer is willing to work for environmental protection, and is committed to eco-friendly lifestyle and reasonable consumption;

✔️ Volunteer possesses experience in social media management and writing articles and blog posts;

✔️ Volunteer is interested in film making, video editing, photography;

✔️ Volunteer has good command of English.

Impressions of the volunteers from the past project:


? Financial conditions:

➖ During one month of the project volunteers will stay in a comfortable hotel. Standard rooms for 2 (max. 3) people will be provided with all the facilities including air conditioner, private shower, towels, bed sheets, hair dryer.

➖ Volunteers will be also provided with 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) as well as coffee breaks.

➖ Pocket money will be given to volunteers in the beginning of the project according to the legislation of ESC programme.

➖ Cigna Insurance will covers health, risks and third parts liability

➖ Travel reimbursment will be done in the end of Project in cash in Euros

? How to apply:

Application Documents should be sent to evs@ngo-stella.org until 30.01.2020, the topic of the mail should be “Bodrum: LET YOUR CREATIVITY OUT”

? What do we need to receive from you:

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