Конференція в Туреччині про освіту, працевлаштування, зайнятість молоді

Що: Conference

Назва: “On track 4 – Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations”

Коли: 8-12 December 2020

Де: Istanbul, Turkey

Дедлайн: 6 вересня, результат про відбір 7 жовтня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Anyone with experience working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (either face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers).


This cross-sectoral conference will address the NEET issues and showcase good practices, with the emphasize on cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector).
Основна мета конференції:
To support collaboration and exchange between professionals from different sectors in order to create better opportunities for young people in a NEET situation and enable their active involvement in society and integration into the labour market.

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