Подавайтеся на літню школу Turin School of Regulation

Що: International Summer School

Назва: Turin School of Regulation

Тема: Regulation of Local Public Service

Коли: 6-10 вересня, онлайн

Де: Турин, Італія

Формат: онлайн, безкоштовно, англійською мовою

Дедлайн: 15 липня

Для кого:

The School is addressed to final year undergraduate students, graduates and PhD candidates, official of the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies staff who intend to study in depth some of the most relevant issues for regulation, tariff setting and management of local public services, either of environmental interest or not. The programme is designed as an intensive workshop, combining theoretical modules and case studies.

More specifically the course is designed as follows: 

– Part one is devoted to theory, economic models and analytical instruments for local regulation;

– Part two includes sector analysis of the main industrial local public services (e.g. water cycle, urban waste), country-based cases studies and guest lectures.

Topics covered

– Regulation as a game of incomplete information: incentives and mechanism design in local regulation
– Natural / legal monopoly and market failures
– Regulatory Authorities at local level: constraints
– Regulatory targets: price/demand, costs, profits, quality
– Economic analysis for regulation : public and private costs, industrial economic analysis, capital budgeting  sensitivity analysis, risk analysis
– Regulatory policies: ex-ante and ex-post regulation, auction, price-cap, IRR, other instruments

– Sector-based case studies (e.g. water cycle, urban waste management)
– Country-based case studies
– Guest lectures by international experts and practitioners.

The Summer School is a unique experience offering the opportunity to meet an international faculty and participants from all over the world, interested in learning and sharing experiences about local policies and local regulation.

Про організаторів:

The Turin School of Regulation (TSR) is a network initiative promoted by Foundation for the Environment that intends to offer an international high-level research, education and capacity-building experience. The School adopts a policy-oriented approach, with the aim of spreading the culture and instruments of regulation and regulatory reform at local level, connecting academic research with local policy- and decision-makers.

Реєстрація: https://turinschool.eu/iss/apply 

Деталі програми літньої школи: https://turinschool.eu/files/turinschool/ISS_Programme.pdf


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