Літня школа в Тюбінгенському університеті на тему міграції

Мета школи – створити майданчик для обміну ідеями між науковцями, практиками та біженцями. До участі запрошуються аспіранти та молоді науковці зі сфер соціальної та культурної антропології, соціології, політичних наук та суміжних дисциплін.

Дати: 4 – 8 липня 2016 року.

Місце: Тюбінген, Німеччина.

Дедлайн: 30 квітня.

Детальний опис англійською: 

Forced migration and displacement are controversially debated issues in current public and political discourse. A rhetoric of threatened order manifests itself alongside attempts to frame the situation as manageable, or even as a chance.

Considering the resulting challenges that politics and practitioners are facing, the need for a more thorough academic engagement becomes apparent. On the one hand, it is paramount to collect a corpus of data which will enable a better theorization of the issues at hand; on the other hand, academics have to take responsibility as the ‘informed consultants’ politicians and practitioners are in need of.

The Summer School will take place from 4th until 8th July 2016 at the University of Tuebingen, as a cooperation between the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 923 “Threatened Order – Societies under Stress”, the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen).

We welcome applications from PhD students and early career researchers from social and cultural anthropology, sociology, political science, and related fields of cultural studies and social sciences. The aim of the Summer School is to learn about and discuss relevant topics and academic approaches through a dialogue between different agents from the field: academics, practitioners, and refugees.

The Summer School convenors invite applications from PhD students and early career researchers from social and cultural anthropology, sociology, political science, and related fields of cultural studies and social sciences.

Applicants must be able to certify that they are fluent in both written and spoken English.

We offer:

  • No fees
  • Reading material (Note: A list of required reading will be made available in advance of the Summer School. Preparatory reading is compulsory.)
  • For participants from outside of Tuebingen:
    free accommodation in double room, including breakfast (earliest arrival: 3 July; latest departure: 8 July)
  • Lunch (4 – 8 July)
  • We can provide a limited number of travel grants of up to 200€.
    Please apply separately for the travel grant. Your application should include a short statement of eligibility (roughly 250 words), your city of departure, and prospective travel expenses.


Джерело: https://www.uni-tuebingen.de/forschung/forschungsschwerpunkte/sonderforschungsbereiche/sfb-923/veranstaltungen/summer-school.html

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