Стажування Erasmus у Відні, Австрія

Що: Office Internship in Vienna

Попередній досвід:  бакалавр, сфери Communication and Information Sciences, Humanities, Languages and Philological Sciences

Установа: Center for International Relations BOKU Vienna

Де: Austria, VIENNA

Period: 1 Feb, 2021 to 1 Jun, 2021, на 5 місяців
Deadline: 10 Oct, 2020

Обов’язки на стажуванні:
  • General office work mostly in German/English, but also other languages (telephone, e-mail, post,…)
  • Event management: preparation, logistics, support on the day. Proofreading and translation
  • Preparation and checking of documents (related to student exchange programmes)
  • Basic student advice
  • Guest assistance and support
  • Updating online database, updating homepage (CMS)
  • Filing documents (applications, library,…)
  • Internet research
  • Financial compensation
  • Salary
  • Transportation costs

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