Мистецький обмін TransCultural Exchange “Hello World”

COVID-19 уповільнив або зупинив розвиток мистецьких та культурних подій, обмінів та міжнародних проектів.

TransCultural Exchange “Hello World” – це віртуальний, глобальний арт-проект з метою продовжувати заохочувати міжнародний обмін між митцями, демонструючи твори новій аудиторії та сприяючи діалогу між народами різних культур – і все це вдома.

Проект відкритий як для художників (усіх дисциплін), так і для усіх установ (музей, галерея, книжковий магазин, радіостанція, кафе, культурний центр, громадська організація – по суті, будь-яке місце з веб-сайтом), які бажають підтримати проект і приєднетися до Hello World.

Детальна інформація нижче

Rationale: The COVID-19 coronavirus seems to have brought a necessary slowdown, if not a downright halt to artistic and cultural gatherings, exchanges and cross-border productions.

Although we believe – and know from experience – that face-to-face interactions are the best way to experience artworks and encourage collaboration, for the moment we recognize that our usual approaches would be inappropriate. Therefore, we are proposing an alternative. Inspired by singers singing from the balconies in Italy, TransCultural Exchange is proposing a virtual, global art project with the aim of continuing to encourage international exchange among artists, showcasing works to new audiences and fostering dialog among peoples of different cultures – without anyone having to leave their homes.

Please join us in this simple, but powerful gesture of global solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic, a greeting to/from our colleagues around the world. The project is open to both artists (of all disciplines) and any venue (museum, gallery, book store, radio station, café, cultural center, community organization – in essence, any place with a website) wishing to express support of Hello World’s mission.

Call for Participation in a Free, Virtual, International Art Exchange

  • Please help to disseminate this call to all artists everywhere!

How to Participate

  • There is no cost to participate in this online project.
  • We encourage all artists and venues shuttered by COVID-19 to participate.
  • Artists do not need to submit a new work to participate in this Project (See Submission Process [here].)
  • NEW Deadline: May 20.
  • Note: Due to high volume of requests to participate, we would appreciate receiving submissions as soon as possible.

Who can Participate

  • Artists (of any discipline), residing anywhere in the world.
  • Venues of any kind (a gallery, concert hall, theater, residency, library, cultural center, artist collective – essentially, any entity that has a website), existing anywhere in the world.

How “Hello World” Works
Artist Participation
All participating artist must submit the submission materials listed [here].

  • All artists who submit the required materials (including Part 3, explained below) will be accepted.
  • For Part 3, each participating artist must contact and secure a venue that is willing to upload the url to Hello World onto their website. A venue can not be the artist’s own website. In this way, both artists and others who have had to reduce their operations during this time of global isolation can have the opportunity to partake the Project.
  1. A venue can be any entity with a website that will link Hello World to their website by the Summer Solstice, or June 20th, the longest day of the year.
  2. Artists must also ask the venue to include (along with Hello World Overview link, which will be updated by June 19th) the following text (or some version of it, adapted as they see fit): “Below is a link to Hello World, an international project, where artists throughout the world have submitted art works to share with all of us. We hope you enjoy this gesture of goodwill and solidarity from our colleagues around the globe.”
  3. TransCultural Exchange will follow up with all venues to thank them for participating in the Project and shortly before June 20th to remind them of Hello World’s launch on June 20, 2020.
  • Based on the information provided by each participant, TransCultural Exchange will categorize each submission by geographic location, submission type and genre and create a unique URL for each artist’s submission on the Hello World website.
  • Submissions will be arranged in groups by categories. For instance, one group might consist of 4 vimeo links, but the 4 videos will be by artists in 4 different countries, somewhat like  what we did with this project: Here There Future.

Venue Participation

  • There is no limit to how many venues can participate in the Project.
  • Venues not contacted by an artist can still participate.
  • Venues that want to participate on their own, need only to email Part 3 of the submission materials [here] (ie your website and contact information, etc.).
  • Venues must also add to their website by June 20 the following (which can be edited/adapted): “Below is a link to Hello World, an international project, where artists throughout the world have submitted art works to share with all of us. We hope you enjoy this gesture of goodwill and solidarity from our colleagues around the globe. http://transculturalexchange.org/activities/hw/overview.htm
  • A venue’s uploading of a Project url is not meant to be construed as an endorsement of the Project works. Instead, it is an endorsement of the project’s gesture of solidarity among our colleagues around the world. It is also meant to provide the venues with a bit more visibility for all the wonderful things they do.

Project Presentation Days
From June 20, 2020 onwards

  • Hello World will be virtually presented on Participating Project Venues’ websites and on TransCultural Exchange’s dedicated Project webpage.

After June 20, 2020, Hello World will remain on TransCultural Exchange’s website as an archive of the Project. Venues are free to keep the Project on their websites as long as they desire, but must at least include a mention of the Project from June 20-21, 2020.

Why participate?

  • Venues will receive a virtual, ready-made, international, artistic and cultural exchange program to offer their patrons, meaning a new reason to attract patrons to their websites.
  • Venues will gain from publicity of the Project by TransCultural Exchange, the other venues and participating artists.
  • Venues will be acknowledged on TransCultural Exchange website, indicating their support of the Project’s aim to safely share works that artists from around the world are doing, while also providing those same makers with additional visibility outside their homes.
  • Artists’ works will gain from this same publicity, be seen in new venues and by potentially new audiences.
  • Artists will also know that they are supporting those who have presented their work in the past, their international peers, patrons and global public in this shuttered time.
  • Most of all: artistic and cultural exchanges and interactions will continue to be celebrated and those who find solace in the arts in difficult times will have a new way to do so.

What to Expect from TransCultural Exchange

  • TransCultural Exchange will tap into its 30 year-old global network of contacts to solicit venues and artists to participate. (We also welcome all others’ help in disseminating this call.)
  • TransCultural Exchange will process, categorize and post all the submissions and venues’ participation on a dedicated portal on TransCultural Exchange’s website.
  • All artists retain the copyright of their works and TransCultural Exchange will post language attesting that none of the works in the Project can be copied or used by any other party (aside from the participating venues for a one-time Project use) without the express permission of the creator of the work. Any third-party request of interest in an artist’s work as a result of their participation in the Project will be directed to the Participant artist. Participation in Project shall not be considered an endorsement by TransCultural Exchange or any participating venue of any Participant’s work.
  • TransCultural Exchange will promote and publicize the Project.

We ask, but do not require, that all participating artists and venues help in this publicity endeavor (by announcing the same on their social media or by other means) to ensure the world is aware and can participate in the Project.

General Requirements:
Given the speed with which this Project is being produced:

  1. All questions below must be answered exactly as requested and formatted as indicated. Do not use all capital letters in any of the sections. All submissions must be submitted in English.
  2. All submissions must be received by midnight EST, May 20. Again, due to the high volume of submissions we continue to expect to receive, early submissions are highly appreciated.
  3. The answers to all questions below need to be included in the body of an email and as a word attachment (labeled with your last name_first name, ie Smith_Jane).
  4. Works can be submitted as a .txt file (no more than 1000 words); a .jpg file (height 400 pixels, width up to 900 pixels); a Vimeo or YouTube link (no longer than 3 minutes and 30 seconds), or a SoundCloud link (no longer than 3 minutes and 30 seconds).
  5. Please use Hello World Submission as the subject line in your email.
  6. Send your submission to msherman(at)transculturalexchange.org.
  7. Any application that does not adhere to these guidelines will be excluded from the Project.
  8. PLEASE do not ask us to help you format or label your works, etc. It is not possible for us to do that.
  9. During the duration of this Project, please check your spam folders. As a nonprofit organization, many email servers automatically filter .org emails directly into spam; and this Project will seem even more spam-like to servers, as it will require us to be emailing a large number of participants around the globe.

Part I : Biographical Information
Name of Participant:
Home City/Country:
Email address:
Website address:
One sentence biography (no more than 150 characters, including spaces):
Presentation History:
Please provide a List of Venues where your work has been presented. Only list 5 venues, adhering to the following format:

  • Title of Exhibition, Performance, Publication, Location (city and country), year.

For instance (as in these hypothetical examples):
Metamorphosis of Materiality, The Kunsthalle of Modern Art (Chicago, USA), 2020.
Mozart’s Magic Flute, Metropolitan Opera (Boston, USA), 2020.
If the presentation was a solo presentation, please add a · before the presentation, e.g.:
· Jane Doe: Metamorphosis of Materiality, The Kunsthalle of Modern Art (Boston, USA), 2020.

Part II : The Submission
Title of Work:
Submission form (ie, .txt, .jpg, Vimeo, YouTube or SoundCloud link):

  • Vimeo, YouTube or SoundCloud link:
  • If you are submitting a .txt or .jpg, please attach and label your submission as follows
    YourLastName_TitleofWork.format (For instance: Smith_Untitled.jpg or Smith_Untitled.txt)

A one-sentence description of the work (maximum 150 characters, including spaces):

Part III : Participating Venue Information
Name of Venue:
Name of the Venue contact person:
Email of Venue contact person:
Venue’s website address:

Part IV : Submission Terms of Agreement
Along with the information we need from you above, please let us know that you:

  1. Confirm that the work submitted was made by you and that you hold the copyright for this work and will allow it to be used for this one-time participation in this Project.
  2. Agree that everything in your application is true and that you understand that it will be removed from the Project if this proves not to be the case.
  3. Allow your name, country of residence, title of your work (medium, genre, etc.) and website to be listed on TransCultural Exchange’s website as a Project Participant.
  4. Grant the Project venues where your work is presented a one-time and only one-time use to present your work with the caveat that you, the artist, retain the copyright of this work.
  5. You agree with all of the above, by copying 1-5 and including 1-5 with your submission.

Thank you for your participation!
Stay Tuned.

More Questions

Please check the program’s website (and refresh your web browser) as we will be updating our website on an ongoing basis with any new developments.

About TransCultural Exchange

TransCultural Exchange is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to foster a greater understanding of world cultures through high-quality art projects, cultural exchanges and educational programming, most notably, our International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts. TransCultural Exchange’s three-decades of service in the field of cultural exchange, across various disciplines has resulted in a large and loyal global network, ensuring the success of its projects. These efforts have earned the organization considerable acclaimsupport and awards from institutions such as the Northeast Chapter of the International Art Critics Association (AICA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Massachusetts Cultural Council, Boston Cultural Council, Asian Cultural Council, Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, Boston Foundation, swissnex Boston, the Netherland-American Foundation, among many others. For more information on TransCultural Exchange, visit www.transculturalexchange.org.


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