Тренінг для кемплідерів у Німеччині

МВО “СВІТ-Україна” (www.facebook.com/svit.ukraine) шукає учасника для німецько-українського тренінгу в Німеччині. Проект для тих, хто влітку 2018 року бажає стати кемплідером в одному з волонтерських таборів міжнародної організації Service Civil International в Україні.
Дедлайн — 1 грудня 2017 року.
Детальний опис англійською:
German-Ukrainian Campleader Training (28.12.2017 – 04.01.2018 in Imshausen, Germany)

SVIT-Ukraine together with SCI Germany warmly invites volunteers, WHO IS INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CAMPLEADER in one of Ukrainian workcamps in summer 2018, to apply for a Ukrainian-German campleader training in Imshausen, near Fulda, from 28th December 2017 – 4th January 2018.

Financial conditions:
All costs of the stay in Germany will be paid by SCI Germany (food, accommodation, programme). You must organize and finance your own travel to and from the venue.

Interested? Please fill in application form:

And send it to projects@svit-ukraine.org with a topic “Campleader training”.

Deadline for application is 1 of December 2017


In summer 2018 IVO “SVIT-Ukraine” will be organizing around 10 international volunteer workcamps, which will take place all over Ukraine, and are covering wide range of topics (details below). Each workcamp needs 1-2 leaders.

If you:

  • have experience of participation to a volunteer project (with SCI/SVIT or other organization), or experience of working with international and/or youth group
  • speak English fluently
  • are outgoing and have good communication skills
  • are above 18 years old
  • are interested to spend two weeks leading a an international workcamp and group; helping to organize a volunteer project; present Ukraine, its history, culture and traditions to international volunteers; support intercultural communication and learning in international group, and a lot more – this call is for you!

SVIT can offer:

  • exciting experience in international volunteer project
  • skills in management of a group with 10-15 international volunteers from 5-7 countries (average)
  • reimbursement of travel costs to the project venue and back
  • participation to international trainings for campleaders or participation in the workcamp abroad without paying fee
  • work in a team with another co-campleader
  • certificate confirming participation to a workcamp as campleader

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