Термінова вакансія волонтерства в Італії

Шукаємо учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) у Турин, Італія.

Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: 1 лютого 2021 – 31 січня 2022

Project European Solidarity Corps “IMPACT MAKERS FOR SOLIDARITY”

Type of mobility: long-term project

Place of volunteering:  Torino, Italy

Information about the organization: Eufemia is an NGO working in the youth field at different and various levels: Local, international, public centers,  schools, with families and municipalities. We are hosting and sending EVS/ESC volunteers since 2012. Eufemia’s volunteers play a supporting role in the activities of the organization. We encouraged them to use their creativity and previous experiences and to create activities, modules, and projects to be run together with us.

What makes this project special? Your project will be like a volunteer – exchange. While you will be here in Italy supporting us in the majority of our projects and get to know the Italian way of living life, two Italian volunteers will be spending a year abroad in your country in the beautiful city of Vynnitsia. You will be able to be in contact, build bridges between Italy and your home country, exchange experiences and build up intercultural understanding.  So be open, stay connected, go over all the bridges others already built and start building new ones!!!

What is waiting for you at this project?

  • Cultural adjustment & Italian language lessons
  • Social networking & creating publications & Updating the website
  • Skills development training
  • Introduction to the venues of the project
  • Intercultural events
  • Language Clubs & Tandem
  • supporting activities: Food Pride, Summer School, hosted Youth Exchanges or Training Courses & other projects
  • Erasmus + promotion
  • Data entry & management / back office activities
  • Workshops – organizing & attending
  • Youth Pass
  • Development of a personal project

Learning opportunity for volunteer: Throughout your ESC activities you will get the opportunity to develop and improve your:

➜ language and digital skills

➜ teamwork and networking

➜ empathy and active listening

➜ effective communication

➜ youth work and youth policies

➜ presentation skills and facilitation

➜ developing activities for supporting people facing difficult situations

Working hours:

  • 5 days per week: Tuesday – Saturday
  • 35 hours per week
  • Sunday and Monday will be the weekend.

Whom we are looking for:

  • age 18-30 years,
  • open-minded,
  • eager to learn
  • interest and motivation in a project topic,
  • Interest in learning about new cultures and living in a multicultural environment,
  • Responsibility and initiative.

If you want to apply so either send your CV and motivational letter in English as soon as possible on the email: pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com
Or fill out the google form here:
Candidate from Vinnytsia will receive the preference.

Деталі: https://pangeya-ultima.blogspot.com/2020/11/blog-post.html

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