Серія вебінарів з Critical Thinking and Media Literacy

Що: Critical Thinking and Media Literacy Online Seminars

Формат: E-learning

Коли: 12 January – 16 February 2021 | Online, Finland

Дедлайн: 8 січня, результат відбору 9 січня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth policy makers, Youth Information Workers

6 online seminars aiming at readjusting youth (information) workers thinking about media literacy and critical thinking! Eye-opening presentations and practical workshops where participants can learn theory and tools for their own work with young people.

A Series of Online seminars

  • January 12, 2021: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy: Promotion of critical thinking and democracy in youth work
  • January 19, 2021: Talking about inclusion: Access and digital divide in youth work
  • January 26, 2021: Evils of online: Cyber bullying, hate speech and cybercrime
  • February 2, 2021: Era of disinformation: Fake news, internet trolls and photo manipulation impacting youth
  • February 9, 2021: The role of media and information literacy in preventing youth radicalization and extremism
  • February 16, 2021: Changing media landscapes and young people as content creators

The seminars are thematically independent, and it is possible to follow either the whole series or alternatively pick a single seminar to attend.

The seminars will be organised on Tuesdays, at 14-16.30 o’clock CEST time.

Each of the seminars consist of short theoretical lectures and/or practice-oriented interventions by experts and a participatory working session for the participants for discussion, sharing and mapping lessons learnt for one’s own work back home.


The Objectives of the Online Series

The objective is to build youth information workers’ capacity

  • to provide young people with skills to critically explore media and information available to them
  • to help them gain resilience in the face of the ambiguous and changing media landscapes of the current era
  • to support young people in practicing their active citizenship, participate in democratic processes and make decisions even in ambivalent media and information contexts.

More specifically, the online seminars aim at:

  • Giving insights on the growing importance of critical thinking as well as information and media literacy of the people who work with youth information, guidance and counselling.
  • Providing youth workers and information workers with relevant theoretical background to understand the current youth work context of media and information literacy.
  • Providing youth workers and youth information workers with skills and concrete tools needed to foster media literacy and critical thinking and resilience among young people.
  • Building a network of youth information workers interested in media literacy and providing a forum for sharing ideas, learning from each other and building relationships for future collaboration.

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