Навчальна програма «The Policy Designers Network»

Назва програми: «The Policy Designers Network»

Організація: The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Для кого: для майбутніх лідерів, які візьмуть активну участь у Мережі розробників політик

Дедлайн: 12 липня 2021 року

The Policy Designers Network

The Policy Designers Network (PDN) fellowship brings together young policy professionals from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine to equip them with skills and resources to advance democracy and economic development, to expand their knowledge about regional, European, and transatlantic issues, and to strengthen their networks.

A leadership development program, PDN is a fellowship structured around workshop-style learning sessions and active participation in a transatlantic or regionally focused conference. The learning sessions will concentrate on empowering the fellows to assume greater leadership roles in their organizations or communities, strengthening their skills to lead collaboratively while addressing issues of public concern, to leverage media to advance policy solutions, and to write policy papers.

The first iteration of the Policy Designers Network took place from October 15 – 18, 2019. Please click here to see the list of fellows.

The second iteration of the Policy Designers Network took place from September 29 – October 3, 2020. Please click here to see the list of fellows.

The third iteration of this fellowship will take place from October 2 – December 11, 2021.

This program is made possible thanks to the German government through the KfW Bank for Development.

Application Process

Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Have up to 5 years of professional experience which has offered them an insight into policy making and formulating in various fields such as foreign policy, energy, business, creative arts, and industries, media, etc.
  • Be between 25 and 35 years old
  • Have fluency in English
  • Be a citizen of Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, or Ukraine
  • Possess a valid passport

Exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Profound sense of integrity
  • The desire to create a positive impact
  • Commitment to democracy and diversity
  • Commitment to share and apply new knowledge and to engage in the PDN network upon the program’s completion
  • Commitment to transatlantic and global engagement

How to Apply

Applications are accepted via the ONLINE PORTAL starting April 12, 2021.

The portal will close on July 12, 2021.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for virtual interviews in the last week of July 2021. The interviews will take place in August 2021.

Selection decisions are announced by the end of August 2021.

What will you gain as a member of the Policy Designers Network

The Policy Designers Network is a unique personal and professional development opportunity. After completion of the program, you become part of the GMF Alumni Network, which spans over the United States and Europe, connecting more than 3,000 policy and decisionmakers, business, media, academia, and civil society representatives.

What we expect from you as a member of the Policy Designers Network

GMF is looking for future leaders who will actively participate in the Policy Designers Network. Upon completion of the program, our fellows make a long-term commitment to GMF as members of the Alumni Network by staying in touch, participating in events, and continuing to collaborate with other fellows and Alumni.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Hanna Kovhan at HKovhan@gmfus.org.

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