The Logan Nonfiction Program для працівників медіа та журналістів

Що: щорічна навчальна менторська програма

Назва: The Logan Nonfiction Program 


Терміни: 10 тижнів, Class 1: April 2 – June 11, Class 2:  July 16 – September 24

Для кого:  для письменників, журналістів, режисерів-документалістів, фотожурналістів та творців мультимедіа

Фінансування: безкоштовна програма + покриття витрат на дорогу в Нью-Йорка та назад

Дедлайн: 15 грудня

Подача тут!

The Logan Nonfiction Program accepts deeply reported nonfiction projects from: 

  • Nonfiction writers and journalists. 
  • Photojournalists. 
  • Documentary filmmakers.
  • Podcasters and radio reporters.
  • Multimedia creators.

Applicants must be at work on a long-form project in order to apply (e.g.: an article, book, film, podcast, etc.). The project must be wholly nonfiction and rely on in-depth interviews and original research for sourcing. 

We are particularly interested in supporting projects that examine the most pressing issues of the day, including but not limited to: conflict and security; democracy and governance; education; environment and climate change; food security; gender, race, sexual orientation, disability and intersectionality; globalization; health; inequality and exclusion; media and journalism; social justice; and sustainability and resilience. 

We encourage and accept applications from creators at all stages of work — from preparing an outline to completing a final draft or from storyboarding a narrative to wrapping up a final cut. Whatever stage of completion, we ask that fellows commit to a plan of action for what they hope to achieve during the program (with the understanding that the work plan may be revised following the commencement of the fellowship and first expert mentoring session.) 

Fellows are selected for the program based on the quality, relevance, professional experience and promise of the applicant’s work. 

To view the type of projects we’ve supported in the past, please see our alumni page and works created during the Logan Nonfiction Program 

Academics, Memoirists & Non-Professional Journalists: 

We accept applications from academics and non-professional journalists with the requirement that the intended audience of the project is the general public. Memoirists are welcome to apply with projects that address wider themes and include significant reporting outside of the first-person narrative. 

International Applicants: 

The Logan Nonfiction Program has a long tradition of internationalism and welcomes applicants from around the world. Professionals who work in languages other than English are welcome to apply if they can supply samples of work in translation as well as in the original language. A working knowledge of English is necessary for international applicants. The Logan Nonfiction Program does not provide an interpreter for residents.  


Small groups of two to three individuals wishing to work collaboratively are encouraged to apply. Each member of the group will need to submit an individual application. 


The Logan Nonfiction Program is committed to building a diverse and inclusive class of fellows. The Carey Institute does not discriminate in its programs and activities against anyone on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, physical ability or disability, HIV status or veteran status. 


The building that houses our fellows for in-person residential sessions is wheelchair accessible. Handrails are in all resident bathrooms. The terrain is hilly and many of our buildings were built in the 1800s; we encourage applicants to reach out to program staff with any questions or concerns.

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