Лекція від викладача Шеффілду в Києві

Професор Шеффілдського університету Ніколаос Дімітріадіс виступить у Києві із лекцією “The Empathy Revolution: Connect with People and succeed personally and professionally“.

Дата і час: 23 вересня о 16.00.

Місце: бульвар Т. Шевченка, 14, Київ

Детальний опис англійською:

We are happy to invite you to the lecture “The Empathy Revolution: Connect with People and succeed personally and professionally”!

A great paradox of our times is that although we interact with people more than ever we feel more disconnected than ever! How is this possible? And why our societies are promoting psychopathic behaviors rather than empathy and mutual support? Dr Nikolaos Dimitriadis discusses the empathy deficit, species evolution and neuroscience in order to prove that deep connectivity is what makes us human. The good news is that our brains are hardwired for empathy. However, our capacity for empathy needs constant attention and cultivation to bring the life-changing results it was made for! Both in our personal and professional lives empathy is the key to a better future. Join me in the Empathy Revolution, especially in the workplace where it is needed the most!

Attend the seminar to:


  • Find out why humans are social animals
  • Understand why people at work need to be loved
  • Learn the three types of Empathy
  • Protect them and improve them
  • Identify how to implement them in your personal and professional life
  • Become an Empathy Master and have a more connected life!


Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis, certified neuromarketer and the co-author of “Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach” (Kogan Page, London, 2016).

When: the 23rd of September at 16.00
Adress:Tarasa Shevchenko Blvd, 14, Kiev
The entrance is free!
The working language is English.
Please, follow the link to register: https://goo.gl/vM8qE2

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