The Branco Weiss Fellowship: можливість для дослідників

Що: The Branco Weiss Fellowship, програма постдокторських досліджень для молодих науковців

Подача заявок: з жовтня 2020 до 15 січня 2021 року

Фінансування: протягом 5 років, a Branco Weiss Fellowship consists of CHF 100,000 per year. It may be used to cover all legitimate costs of research (i.e. salary and/or equipment, travel expenses, consumables, personnel, etc.).

Про програму:

The fellowship was founded in 2002 by the late Swiss entrepreneur Dr. Branco Weiss. It is a fellowship program of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH).

Яких кандидатів/кандидаток очікують:

Candidates that present an unusual research project that departs from the mainstream and that have a remarkable track record will be short-listed and could emerge from the annual selection process with an award for the prestigious grant.

Apply with a groundbreaking research idea to secure financial support for up to five years, working at an academic institution of your choice anywhere in the world.

The registration portal for the 2020 fellowship intake is now closed. Candidates are welcome to start applying again in October 2020 for the January 15, 2021 deadline.

You are eligible for the 2020 campaign if:

  • You officially hold a PhD on January 15, 2020
  • You have obtained your PhD a maximum of five years prior to January 15, 2020
  • You do not hold or have held a faculty-equivalent position (e.g. assistant professor or lecturer)
  • Your project departs from the mainstream of research in your discipline
  • You have a record of outstanding scientific achievement
  • You demonstrate in the proposal a willingness to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of your particular discipline

If you have applied before and were not selected, you are welcome to apply again.

The following reasons for delays after attaining your PhD are acceptable:

  • parental leave (max. one year per child)
  • inability to work due to illness or accident

Applicants must explain their reasons for applying for an extension and provide the relevant documents. The number of weeks that the research work was interrupted is accepted as an extension.


If you are interested to apply for the 2021 fellowship you will need to have the following material and information for your online application starting October 2020:

  • Letter of motivation including a statement explaining why your research differs from the mainstream (max. 1 page)
  • Your proposed research project (max. 4 pages, including abstract, references extra)
  • Your CV (max. 4 pages)
  • Copies of your three best publications (no doctoral theses, no books, only individual book chapters)
  • Application overview (template available for download from October 2020), including a reasoning of why you believe that you are a perfect candidate for a Branco Weiss Fellowship (max. 1000 characters)

Please note that letters of support do not have to be submitted upon application. Timelines and budgets are not necessary.

In preparing the description of your intended research, you may wish to give emphasis to the idea or concept forming the heart of the work, the methods you are planning to use, and the potential impact of the outcome both for your own subject and for other disciplines. You should also seek to present links between society and science that you wish to explore and promote.

All documents must be submitted as PDF files (max. 10 MB in total).

Before applying, please read the Fast Facts for Applicants carefully.

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