Школа імені Богдана Осадчука

Студенти з України запрошуються до участі в Школі ім. Богдана Осадчука, яка буде сфокусована на темі сприйняття національної історії. Участь у заході також візьмуть студенти з Польщі та Німеччини.

Дати: 22 – 29 листопада 2015 року.

Місце: Вроцлав. Польща.

Дедлайн: 16 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław and German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe in Potsdam would like to kindly invite students from Ukraine, Germany and Poland to participate in the second edition of the Bohdan Osadchuk Polish-German-Ukrainian School in Wrocław. The project is co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation program „Study Tours to Poland”.

This year the School starts on 22 of November and ends on 29 of November. We will focus on the topic of perception of own national history and mutual perception of such history between the three nations. Students from each country will prepare lectures and workshops about their own history and culture (including movies, books ect. focused on modern history).

The main goal of the Osadchuk School is to better understand each other.

The six working days of School will focus on different topics:

History Day, Media day, Ukrainian Day day, Polish day, German day (workshops, seminars and lectures from last three days will be prepared by participants from each country).

English is the School’s language of instruction.

The Osadchuk School is free of charge. Accommodation, meals and transportation inside Wrocław are provided for free by the organizers.

Organizers do not cover the cost of travel to Wrocław.

For the full School schedule in English please click here.

To sing up for the second edition of the Bohdan Osadchuk School please complete the questionnaire here.

Before submitting application, please read carefully the „Terms of participation” here.

Due to visa proceedings candidates from Ukraine are required to complete the electronic questionnaire on the following website link by 16th October 2014 (the short recruitment period due to the fact that the Organizer shall send the official invitation to each successful candidate from Ukraine).

Джерело: http://www.kew.org.pl/the-ii-bohdan-osadchuk-school/

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