Конференція з теми журналістики даних: DataFest Tbilisi 2019

Що: DataFest Tbilisi 2019: Call for Applications among civil society activists in Eastern Partnership countries

Де: Тбілісі, Грузія

Коли: 14-16 листопада 2019 р.

Заповни анкету учасника до 7 жовтня!

Протягом трьох днів учасники дізнаються більше про нові тенденції та найкращі практики в журналістиці даних, застосуванні даних у процесі розробки політики, з наукою про дані, візуалізацію даних, застосування даних для маркетингу та бізнесу, інформацією та кібербезпекою – та багато іншого!

Опис англійською мовою:

ForSet (Georgia) and the European Union’s ‘Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility – Regional Actions’ Project invite you to join DataFest Tbilisi 2019!

On 14-16 November 2019, Tbilisi will host the third edition of international data and communications event designed to inspire its participants to explore new opportunities of engaging with and using data. DataFest brings together journalists, CSO activists, marketing specialists, business professionals, government officials, data analysts, developers and designers working with data and willing to do more.

This year we are expecting up to 1,000 attendees from Eastern and Central Europe, Central Asia and beyond. For the three days participants will be learning about new trends and best practices in data journalism, data application in policy making process, data science and AI, data visualisation, data application for marketing and business, data and cyber security – and much more!

As a part of its efforts to empower civil society in the EaP region, the EU’s Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility – Regional Actions project will support up to 35 civil society activists from the EaP countries to attend DataFest Tbilisi 2019. The EU-funded support will cover participation fees of the successful applicants, as well as travel and accommodation costs for the international participants selected within this Call.

The application is open to individuals who are:
1. citizens of the EaP countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine;
2. actively engaged in projects covering the EaP countries;
3. are a representative of a civil society organisation or non-for-profit media;
4. as a part of their job, use open data and public records for:
a. Evidence-based policy dialogue with national and/or local authorities;
b. Evidence-based advocacy campaigns and actions;
c. Independent investigations to raise awareness and inform the general public;
d. Developing and supporting IT tools and solutions based on open data;
e. Other (please specify).

Interested civil society representatives can apply for DataFest Tbilisi 2019 and the EU-funded Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility – Regional Actions project financial support online until 7 October 2019.

Successful applicants will be informed of the results and provided with further details until 16 October 2019.

Background information:

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility – Regional Actions Project is an EU-funded project working with the six EaP countries to promote the role of civil society actors in reforms taking place in their countries. The Project covers several components, including e-learning, development of digital solutions to improve the public sector’s transparency and accountability, and strengthening cooperation and networking among civil societies throughout the region. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by GDSI Limited (Ireland). For more information about the Project please visit: www.eapcivilsociety.eu or www.facebook.com/EaPCivilSociety/

More information about DataFest Tbilisi 2019 can be found here: https://datafest.ge/ or https://www.facebook.com/DataFestTbilisi/.

For any program-related questions, please contact Teona Tomashvili, project coordinator, at Teona@forset.ge.


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