Оплачуване стажування в Німецькому інституті міжнародних відносин і безпеки

Що: оплачуване стажування в Німецькому інституті міжнародних відносин і безпеки (SWP)

Для кого: студенти-політологи, суміжні соціальні науки (економіка, право, адміністрування, регіональні дослідження, етнологія, журналістика)

Стипендія: 300 євро на місяць, повна зайнятість

Тривалість: 3 місяці

Дедлайн: 30 вересня

The work undertaken by interns includes:

  • Assisting with all tasks within the research division, especially research projects, and producing documentation and background reports for research division members,
  • Preparing reports of conferences and meetings,
  • Literature research,
  • Editing academic texts, researching and evaluating materials, helping to prepare meetings and conferences,
  • General administrative tasks.

The Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin is a civil-law foundation and the founding institution behind the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. It advises the Bundestag and the federal government on foreign and security policy issues.

Deadlines for applications

  1. June 30th, 2020 (for an internship starting at the earliest in September 2020)
  2. September 30th, 2020 (for an internship starting at the earliest in January 2021)




  • Interns at SWP receive €300 per month.
  • Exceptions are only possible where the internship is already funded by another public or private organisation.


  • SWP accepts students at the following stages:
    • Students already studying for a master’s degree (also Hauptstudium in the German Magister/Staatsexamen/Diplom system).
    • Holders of bachelor’s degrees who can demonstrate they are applying for a place on a master’s degree course and who expect to be regular master’s students at the time proposed for the internship.
    • Holders of bachelor’s/master’s degrees who are enrolled on an additional bachelor’s or master’s degree course.
  • For an internship you should have at least the following qualifications:
    • Very good knowledge of English (written and spoken),
    • Good end-user IT skills (Word, Excel, web browsers),
    • Your own ideas about what you wish to achieve during the internship,
    • Interest in policy consultation and communication,
    • Commitment, ambition, teamwork and social skills.
  • The research divisions also have their own specific requirements. Please check the official website for more details.

Eligible Regions: Open for all

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