Швейцарія: стипендія на магістратуру в Університеті Женеви

Що: магістратура в Університеті Женеви з  LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LLM)

Фінансування: повна стипендія на однорічну програму магістратури

Досвід: мати диплом бакалавра в юридичній сфері або інших, які релевантні програмам навчання

Де: Швейцарія

Дедлайн: 29 січня 2021


The LLM is organized around small and intimate learning communities. This creates an exceptional learning environment where some of the most experienced and academically qualified students from all over the world gain access to a world-renowned faculty at the cutting edge of IHL, international human rights law, international criminal law and international refugee law.

Weekly tutorials allow students to revise and discuss concepts and issues addressed in the core courses and prepare for the exams.

As an IHL and human rights hub, Geneva offers a broad range of conferences and public events featuring key experts and topics, as well as providing access to leading actors in the field.

With more than 70 public events, expert seminars and conferences organized every year, we host some of the world’s leading academics and practitioners who share their research, views and experiences with our students and directly touch upon topics addressed in the programme.

We are committed to retaining continuity of all our academic programmes. We are therefore adapting rapidly to the situation related to the COVID–19 pandemic and are in a position to ensure continued high quality and interactive teaching for our three master’s programmes – fully on-campus, fully online or hybrid with on-site and online, depending on the evolution of the situation.

For the 2020-2021 academic year, we offer a combination of education on location and online, with courses, taught simultaneously in-class and online except during confinement periods.

We look forward to receiving applications from talented students from all around the world and hope that by September 2021 they will all be able to come to Geneva to follow our programmes!


We only provide full scholarships for citizens of non-western countries (full list of eligible countries available here). Applicants from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States and Western Europe cannot, therefore, be considered for a full scholarship.

We provide every year a partial scholarship for EU citizens.

Partial and full scholarships are allocated through a highly competitive process based on academic merit, extra-curricular achievements and the candidate’s financial needs.


The admission section of our website provides detailed information about:

In order for their applications to be reviewed, all applicants must submit within the week following the submission of their application a non-refundable admission fee of CHF 100.


You can apply via a straightforward online form. The online application comprises the following four steps:

  • Decide whether to apply (1) without a scholarship, (2) with full scholarship; (3) with a partial scholarship
    Complete the application form
    Attach the required documents
    Submit your application.

Make sure you have all the requested information and documents before starting your application!


If you still have questions, our FAQ addresses the main questions related to our LLM, the admission procedure and living in Geneva.

Деталі та як подати заявку тут


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