Волонтерство у Швейцарії

НГО Стелла шукає двох волонтерів, які будуть працювати у Женеві у центрі для людей з ментальними вадами. Одним із цих волонтерів можеш стати саме ти!

? Проект: L’Arche La Corolle

? Місце: Versoix-Geneva (франкомовна частина країни)

? Дати: вересень 2019 – вересень 2020

?  Вік: від 18 до 30 років

? Фінансування: цей проект фінансується швейцарським урядом, але всі витрати, так само як і в інших проектах Еразмус+, фінансуються приймаючою стороною

ℹ️ Умови: інтерес до роботи з людьми з ментальними вадами та елементарне знання французької

❗️ ДЕЛАЙН ❗️ 30 серпня

Детальний опис проекту англійською мовою:

General information concerning the EVS program in Switzerland

– This project is funded by the Swiss government (and not by the EU, as Switzerland is not a member of Erasmus+ anymore)

– The volunteers will live in one of our community homes.

– The candidate should be motivated to share the life of people with an intellectual disability, members of the l’Arche community and other volunteers.

– The contribution for international travel costs is CHF 400.

– The volunteer will be insured through the ICYE group insurance.

– The volunteer will receive pocket money of CHF 300 per month (about 275 EUR)

– The volunteer will work about 38 hours a week.

– The duration of the EVS is 12 months.

– The volunteer will receive a certificate filled in by ICYE Switzerland and the hosting organization, not a youth pass.

L’Arche proposes/offers:

The encounter with the person who has a disability:

a unique and extraordinary experience.

Brave the adventure!

Living in a community

As a volunteer, you live and work in a house alongside people with a disability, assistants and leaders, thereby creating a “home”. Supporting the educational staff, you contribute to bringing the soul of the home to life, both through your presence and your personal qualities. You participate in everyday activities, in the home and at work: meals, celebrations, housework and relaxation activities. You accompany people in their everyday routines. In short, it’s like a family where everyone helps keep the house going!

Going to encounter the unexpected

Through a supportive, people-centered approach, the volunteer sets out to discover different cultures, traditions and nationalities. Life as a volunteer in L’Arche is a journey towards acceptance of difference: it is placing the weakest person at the heart of our lives and growing with him or her. It’s being ready to be overwhelmed by an unexpected encounter from which you emerge transformed. It is allowing yourself time to reflect on your life choices and expectations. The spiritual dimension of each community allows and reinforces the value of this search.

Training and taking on responsibilities

As a volunteer, you are at the heart of life in the home and are supported by a team of professionals who train you, guide you and encourage you to take on responsibilities.

You live in a L’Arche-Corolle home. You are given board and lodging.

☛ You receivea training, which enables you to perform your role.

☛ You are accompanied by a tutor.

☛ Each week you are there entitles you to days off.

Детальний опис проекту французькою мовою – https://www.icye.ch/fr/volontariat-etranger/programmes/europaeischer-freiwilligendienst/

? How to apply ?

  1. Read carefully the description of the project.
  2. Fill out the candidate application (https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1tm660f811jad2/Application%20Form%20EVS%20La%20Corolle.docx?dl=0) with all needed information (including a picture).
  3. Send us the application form per mail at the following address: evs-sve@icye.ch and indicate in your e-mail that you are applying on behalf of Kharkiv NGO “Stella”
  4. Be sure that the name of the EVS project is written in the title of your mail.

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