Червоний Хрест: оплачуване стажування у Швейцарії

Що: Traineeship in the Protection of the Civilian Population Unit

Де: Женева, Швейцарія

Коли: з січня

Дедлайн: 17 жовтня


  • англійська + друга мова обов’язково
  • 6-24 місяці досвіду


  • контракт на рік, щомісячна стипендія 3567 CHF

There are two Associate positions available to focus on the following thematics:

  • Migration (including refugees) – (start date: 01 January 2022);
  • Child Protection (start date: 01 January 2022).
  • Internal displacement (start date: 01 January 2022).

In the Operations Thematic unit, Associates are expected to:

  • Assist the specific advisor to support and orient field delegations on operationalizing the file, especially to integrate new developments and fine-tune a response taking into account contextual dilemmas.
  • Assist with the monitoring of developments and activities in priority operational contexts related to protection of children, internally displaced (IDPs) or migrants, to ensure strategies are developed effectively and to take stock of current practices for sharing of best-practices.
  • Assist in finalizing guidelines and training materials on methodologies and practices linked to the protection of children, IDPs or migrants.
  • Provide summaries of external reports and contribute to reports for promoting protection concepts internally.
  • Support the Unit with different stages of project development.
  • Update relevant communication platforms, such as internal and external webpage or communities of practice tools.
  • Assist with the preparation of and reporting on internal and external meetings and events.
  • Provide other logistical and administrative coordination support for the Unit.

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1 Відповідь

  1. 22 Листопада, 2021

    […] работу, для этого есть множество способов, например, волонтерство в организации Красного Креста, и прохождение стажировок в ООН в рамках программы […]

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