Повна стипендія на магістратуру від Swedish Institute

Назва: програма Global Professionals от Swedish Institute (SI)

Що: міжнародна стипендійна програма для магістратури

Хто дає:  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Фінансування: повне покриття

Дедлайн: 8 лютого 2021 р.

  • Applications for Global Professionals 2021 opens up on 8 February.
  • Only available for programmes starting in the autumn semester.
  • We recommend that you also look for other scholarship opportunities at www.studyinsweden.se.

На які магістерські програми можна податися у Швеції за цією стипендією?

About 600 master’s programmes taught in English starting in the autumn semester 2021 are eligible for Global Professionals Check the list of eligible master’s programmes for SISGP 2021/2022 that will be published here by the middle of November 2020.

For applicants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, or Ukraine greatest priority will be given to applicants who choose study programmes with an emphasis on environmental and social sustainability, innovation, responsibility in management, or sustainable economic growth (listed in alphabetical order, no priority or ranking is implied).

The scholarship is intended for full-time one-year or two-year master’s programmes. The scholarship period cannot be changed or extended beyond the awarded scholarship period, nor can it be transferred to a study programme other than the awarded master’s programme.

Повна інформація та подача заявки тут

Фото з офіційної сторінки програми

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