Тренінг на тему миру Швейцарії

Альтернатива-В шукає двох мотивованих та зацікавлених учасників на тренінг з теми миру “Peace in Practice” у Швейцарії.

? Dates: 12-19.05 2020

? Do you prefer to be an action taker rather than an observer?
? Do you agree that we all deserve peaceful lives, with peaceful minds, non-violent
interactions, and without the horrors of war and conflict?
? Have you ever wondered how we can make this dream come true, step by step?
? Would you be ready to become one of brave young change makers who make the world
a better place?
? Are you ready to meet amazing people from over 10 countries, make new friendships
and get inspired by their ideas and projects?

If your answers are “Yes, this is me!”, then we have an offer for you!

? Service Civil International is the oldest voluntary peace movement in the world. This year, we celebrate our 100th anniversary! Our mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact. We are presented in 42 countries on 5 continents, and we cooperate with partners in almost all countries of the world.
Read more here: https://sci.ngo/.

With the “Peace in Practice” project, we are ready to share our expertise with you, and support you in becoming a change maker for a more peaceful world!

The project will last through all 2020 and aims at inspiring you to be and act as a multiplier/messenger of peace, and create a chain of follow-up actions for promoting and living peace on local, national and international level.

? It consists of several steps, including:
– international training course in May 2020 in Switzerland,
– creation of a poster with “Peace every day” mind map – 100 ways to live peace in everyday life, which will be available in numerous languages,
– local actions for peace organised by the training participants (June-October 2020).

? During this training course you will:
– deepen your knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature),
– learn how to live peace and act for peace through small-scale actions that can be done even without
big resources,
– get equipped with various peace-related tools and methods you can later use in your work and everyday life,
– be offered space for safe exchange of good practices, of inspiration, of sharing resources and ideas,
– plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion.

? For whom?

The project is intended for the following types of participants:
– youth workers with a strong interest in the topic
of peace and its appliance in their work with
young people,
– trainers, educators and facilitators working with
various target groups such as migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, (young) people with fewer opportunities, minorities, etc.,
– educators on the topic of peace and peace
– activists, enthusiasts, volunteers willing to learn
more about peace and apply it in their actions.

In general, we encourage participants with some experience of working in the youth field, but we are also open to newcomers, activists and enthusiasts. What is the most important for us is your willingness to become actors of change – multipliers in your local communities, and persons promoting and willing to live peace in your everyday routine (on a personal and professional level).
All participants are expected to commit and actively participate in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the training as well as to participate for the whole duration of the event.

There are a few formal requirements you need to satisfy to join the training course:
1. You should be able to communicate in English.
2. You must be minimum 18 years of age.
3. You need to attend the whole course duration (there is no possibility to make exceptions).
4. You commit yourself to organise a follow-up action in your local community / country upon the course completion (these can be e.g. a workshop, street action, online campaign, presentation, screening, peace caravan, discussion, workcamp, etc.).

We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities and ethnic backgrounds to apply.

?The food, accommodation and visa costs of the participants, as well as all organisational costs (training materials, etc.) will be fully covered. Reimbursement of the
travel tickets will be 100% up to the maximum amounts after the receipt of original documents. Maximum travel reimbursement is around 370 EUR (400 CHF).

Participation fee: 1200 UAH

➡️ To apply for this project, please fill in the form: https://forms.gle/MDSBYxrhBZjxR49u5

? Deadline is 20.02.2020

We are looking forward to receive your applications!

? Your Alternative-V


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