Чехія, Словакія, Польща і Україна: запрошуємо молодь до міжнародного проекту

NGO Stella шукає учасників надзвичайно цікавого проекту – “Supporting Critical Thinking by Movie Making” у форматі “живих” зустрічей в Харкові! Новий дедлайн – 30 травня!

This is the name of our new project we have started to work on together with our partners from Slovakia, Czech republic, Poland and Ukraine!

⭐️Accommodation, food, travel costs and all the materials are covered by the Program. There is NO participation fee. The most active project participants will receive a scholarship (money reward) for their participation in all parts of the project.

?The aim of this project is to work with critical thinking and the power of image as a source of information. We want to increase the capacities and skills of youth workers working with digital media photography and video and thus to highlight the issues of the consequences of prejudice, discrimination, xenophobia and condemnation only on the basis of uncritical information.

?Project FLOW:

  1. Training on Fighting the manipulation and Supporting critical thinking, Kharkiv, UA (22.-26.6.2021)
  2. Training on Movie direction and Digital storytelling, Kharkiv, UA (2.-6.8.2021)
  3. Online campaign (September 2021)
  4. Small movie projects (October 2021)
  5. Online Evaluation Meeting (November 2021)

✅We are looking for participants:

– Youth workers working with young people in Youth clubs, Leisure time centres, Community clubs, School communities etc (especially, from Kharkiv and Kharkiv region);

– Who are able to attend all the stages of the project;

– Who are motivated in the project’s topic (no need to be a professional in the field of movie making);

– Who are able to communicate in English.

✍️In order to apply, please fill in the form:


?Deadline is 30.05.2021, 23:59

?The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

?Увага! Дати проекту та умови участі можуть бути видозмінені у зв’язку з пандемічною ситуацією в країні.


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