Літня школа в галузі дослідження демократії

Друга літня школа в галузі дослідження демократії відбудеться влітку 2015 року в Цюриху, Швейцарія. До участі запрошуються аспіранти зі спеціальностей «політологія», «політична філософія», «медіа та коммунікації». «міжнародні відносини». На участь у школі можна отримати грант.

Дати: 22 – 26 червня 2015 року.

Місце: Цюрих, Швейцарія.

Дедлайн: 15 квітня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The major objective of the Swiss Summer School Democracy Studies is to enable young scholars interested in democracy research to understand the complex challenges democracy faces today.For that purpose, the Swiss Summer SchoolDemocracy Studies:

  • offers each year a one-week intensive high-level, multi-disciplinary training in democracy research;
  • focusses on different themes wich cover a wide range of approaches, theories and methods in current democracy research;
  • provides a unique opportunity for doctoral students from political science, media and communication science, political philosophy, and related disciplines to present their PhD projects to renowned experts in their field and to receivehigh-quality feedback;
  • organizes various social activities to deepen the newly established contacts which are of value to the young scholars’ future academic careers;
  • delivers 3 ECTS credits for doctoral studentswho participate in the full week’s program.

Fee: The registration fee is CHF 450 and includes participation in all academic sessions, lunches and social activities. A reduced fee of CHF 250 applies to doctoral students whose host institution is a member of the PhD-Network Democracy Studies. A small number of grants will be available.

A limited number of grants willbe available for students who submit exciting proposals but cannot get funding from their home institution or from elsewhere. There will be a separate application process, but applying does not guarantee success. The deadline of application is 15 April 2015, notifications of acceptance will be sent by 30 April.

How to Apply
Detailed information and the application form are available at www.nccr-democracy.uzh.ch/education/s3ds

For more information please email Doreen Spörer-Wagner at spoerer@nccr-democracy.uzh.ch
Джерело: http://www.zdaarau.ch/dokumente/de/Veranstaltungen/S3DS_Flyer_2015.pdf

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