Літня школа “Human Rights as a Key for Democracy”

Europa-Institut of Saarland University пропонує українським випускникам, молодим науковцям, спеціалістам взяти участь у школі “Spring School: Human Rights as a Key for Democracy”, яка відбудеться з 5 по 13 червня 2016 року у місті Саарбрюкен, Німеччина.

Робоча мова – англійська.

Участь у програмі безкоштовна.

Дедлайн подання заявок – 30 березня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

From 5 to 13 June 2016, the Europa-Institut supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with financial means provided by the German Ministry of Foreign  Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt) presents the Spring School “Human Rights as a Key for Democracy” at the Europa-Institut at Saarland University. A broad variety of lectures, taught by academics and practitioners, will help the participants to systematically explore the chances and limits of European integration in promoting democracy and protecting human rights. Moreover, participants will better understand the development of European integration and the principles of European law. Deepened knowledge and newly acquired perspectives will broaden the participants’ academic view on human rights protection and democracy in multi-level governance systems.

 The Spring School is exclusively designed for graduates and young academics (Postdoc, Ph.D. students) from Ukraine and Germany which are keen to improve their knowledge of human rights protection and the legal aspects of democracy. A good knowledge of English and a strong interest in the topics of EU law and human rights are preconditions for a successful application.

 Participants of the Spring School will have the opportunity to do extensive research in the Europa-Institut’s own library and will take part in a one-day trip to Strasbourg with visits to the European Court of Human Rights as well as the Council of Europe. The lectures, interactive case studies, group work and the final panel discussion will give participants the opportunity for the extensive academic exchange of opinions and perspectives.


A prelimary overview of the program can be found here.

 Travel Expenses and Accomodation

Due to the generous support of the DAAD and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Europa-Institut can offer the Spring School free of charge. The covered costs include tuition, course materials, accommodation with full board and the excursion. Travel expenses are subsidized with a lump sum of 350 Euro.


The application form can be found here. Applicants shall demonstrate their interest and experience in the letter of motivation (one page) and their curriculum vitae (two pages). Deadline for applications is 30 March 2016.

 Visa Procedures and Insurance

Please inform yourself promptly about the current visa regulations in your country, especially questions concerning the proof of financial means. Furthermore, you can find information under www.kiew.diplo.de. Please also check whether your health insurance would cover a trip to Germany.

Джерело: http://europainstitut.de/index.php?id=1818&L=1

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