Гранти на участь у літніх школах в Естонії

Міністерство закордонних справ Естонії фінансує участь іноземних студентів у кількох літніх школах у містах Таллінн і Тарту.

Дедлайн для подачі заяв – 10 квітня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Estonian Development Cooperation scholarships are financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Estonia’s Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid instruments.

Scholarships are available for four different summer university programmes for the students from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Armenia.

Application deadline for the scholarship is 10th April 2016.

There are 3 scholarships available for every programme:

Secure e-Governance in cooperation with the Tallinn University of Technology 26 June – 9 July in Tartu and Tallinn
Social Dimension: Estonian Business Environment and EU-Russian Relations 10-23 July in Tallinn and Tartu
Social Dimension: EU-Russian Relations and Baltic Regional Security 17-30 July in Tartu and Pärnu
Juri Lotman and Semiotics of Culture 4-15 July in Tartu

Who is eligible?

All students from 2nd year of university studies, who have citizenship of Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Armenia.

Scholarship covers:

  • Programme fee;
  • Housing with breakfast during the programme in shared double or triple rooms with other students;
  • Travel and Subsistence grant (paid during the programme) in the amount of 180 euro.

How to apply?

  • Fill in the on-line application and attach all needed documentation to the online application:
  • Motivation letter (maximum 900 words) that explains how the participation in the summer programme is connected with your studies and social activities. How you plan to disseminate the experience gained in the programme and use new knowledge in the future;
  • CV (curriculum vitae);
  • Transcript of Study Records in English from current study institution;
  • Copy of the passport.

There is one application to apply simultantously to participate at the programme as well as to apply for the scholarship. Thus, do not forget to note in the on-line application that you want to apply for the Estonian Development Cooperation Scholarship.

All documents need to be titled with your family name and document name. Example: Glebov_motivation_letter; Glebov_CV etc.

Documents that are not submitted correctly will not be considered as applicants by the scholarship committee.

Джерело: http://www.ut.ee/en/admissions/estonian-development-cooperation-scholarships-students-georgia-moldova-ukraine-belarus


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  1. 6 Квітня, 2016

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