Літня дослідницька програма для студентів в Сингапурі

Студенти-бакалаври з закордонних університетів запрошуються до участі в оплачуваній літній дослідницькій програмі в Наньянському технологічному університеті в Сінгапурі.

Спеціальності слід уточнювати в організаторів програми.

Дедлайн: 30 листопада.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme is a university wide Research Programme initiated to stimulate a culture of research for the overseas undergraduates. Participants for this programme will develop research interest, strong sense of cross-cultural intelligence, gain a network of friends and a better understanding of our nation.

Eligible overseas undergraduate students will be given an allowance, and are expected to fulfill a 8-week research attachment comprising project work at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and presentation of their research project at a closing ceremony. All participants will receive a certificate issued by NTU upon completion of the programme.

Internship Period
Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme 2016 will be from 01 June 2016 to 22 July 2016.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to undergraduate students who have not studied in NTU Singapore previously.
  • Open to all nationalities (including SIngaporeans) who are currently full-time students in an overseas university.
  • Students have to commit to an internship period of two months (8 weeks).
  • Applicants must possess good undergraduate academic records.

SRI Allowance
The SRI grant is tenable only for the duration of the programme at NTU. Each grant shall cover the following:

  • Tuition fees.
  • One-time allowance up to SGD3,000.


Джерело: http://global.ntu.edu.sg/GMP/sri/Pages/default.aspx


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