Літній інститут з різноманіття у медіа та культурі

Аспіранти та науковці, чиї професійні зацікавлення лежать у площині медіа-комунікацій, запрошуються до участі у Літньому інституті «The USC Annenberg Summer Institute on Diversity in Media and Culture».

Дати: 15 – 19 червня 2015 року.

Місце: Каліфорнія, США.

Дедлайн: 1 березня

Детальний опис англійською:

We welcome applicants for the 2nd annual USC Annenberg Summer Institute on Diversity in Media and Culture, June 15-19, 2015. The Institute will bring together exemplary doctoral students and faculty members from across the disciplines of Communication and Media Studies and around the nation to discuss issues of race, gender and difference in media, within the shifting conditions of technology, production, circulation and consumption as well as the shifting discourse of difference in the areas of politics, culture and globalization. Approximately 20 doctoral students will be chosen to participate based on submitted papers and recommendations from their advisors.

The Institute will be divided into workshop sessions that feature current work from Institute faculty (listed below) and research seminars in which all participants present and discuss their own work-in-progress. Speakers in the workshop sessions will examine race, gender, and difference in the media from a variety of interdisciplinary and methodological perspectives. The Institute welcomes participants who are involved in a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields and who are interested in current critical debates in Communication and Media Studies.

Applications, including a statement of background and interests and a paper that fits within the Institute’s broad topical range, should be sent to: USC Annenberg Summer Institute, School of Communication, 3502 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281. Applicants should have their faculty advisor send a supporting recommendation to the same address. Applications and recommendations can also be submitted via email to: commdir@usc.edu .
The Institute will cover participants’ travel to Los Angeles and housing in USC dormitory space.

Джерело: http://annenberg.usc.edu/News%20and%20Events/News/150113SummerInstitute.aspx

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