Літня школа в Шотландії

Літня школа розрахована на тих, хто цікавиться шотландською літературою та літературним процесом узагалі, модернізмом, театром, письменництвом.

Дати: 9 липня – 18 серпня (залежить від курсу)

Місце: Шотландія

Дедлайн: аплікаційний процес триває.

Детальний опис англійською:


Text & Context: 9 July-18 August 2018 

Creative Writing: 9 July-4 August 2018

Contemporary British and Irish Theatre and Performance: 6-18 August 2018

The Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS) was founded as a non-profit organisation by Professor David Daiches in 1947. In the spirit of the Edinburgh International Festival, SUISS brings together students and academics who, irrespective of their national, religious, or cultural difference, share a love of literature.

SUISS is affiliated with seven prestigious Scottish universities: The University of Aberdeen, The University of Dundee, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Glasgow, The Open University in Scotland, The University of St Andrews and The University of Strathclyde.

Throughout its history, SUISS has achieved a high academic standing and has welcomed many distinguished literary scholars, critics and writers. Lecturers on the Text & Context course have included Robert Crawford, Randall Stevenson and Patricia Waugh to name a few. We have also welcomed many writers to contribute to our Creative Writing course, names such as Neil Gaiman, A. L. Kennedy and Ian Rankin.

Each summer, SUISS offers an intense, challenging and diverse programme of study that takes place in July and August in Edinburgh, the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature. We offer three courses in Text and Context: British and Irish Literature from 1900 to the Present, one course in Creative Writing, and one course in Contemporary British and Irish Theatre and Performance. Our literature courses offer extensive examination of Modernism, Scottish Literature and Contemporary Literature, while our Creative Writing course allows students to develop their personal writing portfolios. Our Theatre and Performance course, which explores both theoretical and performative approaches to drama, coincides with the Edinburgh Festivals and is delivered in partnership with the Scottish Playwrights’ Studio.

Джерело: http://www.suiss.ed.ac.uk/


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