Освітня подорож до Німеччини

Студенти третього або четвертого курсів бакалавріату, які володіють німецькою мовою, запрошуються до участі в освітній подорожі до Німеччини.

Дати: 29 листопада – 6 грудня 2015 року.

Місце: Берлін, Йєна, Ерфурт.

Дедлайн: 8 листопада.

Детальний опис англійською:

Aims at: Ukrainian German speaking students enrolled in bachelor programmes in the third or fourth year (but students with just good English language knowledge are also encouraged to apply) (10 places)

With the kind assistance of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Foreign Office of Germany, the Joint-German master-programme “German and European Studies”, offers ten fully funded travel-bursaries for Ukrainian German-speaking B.A. students who are considering entering the Jena-Mohyla double Master program in German and European studies, after finishing their B.A.

For more information about the programme, see http://www.des.uni-jena.de or https://www.facebook.com/DSG.NaUKMA/ or about the study trips from last year: http://www.lib.uni-jena.de/kooperationen/studienreise/

This year study trips aims at one of the most successful legislation processes in the younger German history: The political implementation of the German energy transition. Genuine German energy policy programs such as the “Renewable Energy Law” (EEG) and the associated promotion of renewable energies are worldwide role models in the energy transition from fossil fuels towards renewables energies. This study trip aims to explain what the “energy transition” is, how it works, and what challenges lay ahead. It is intended to provide facts and explain the politics and policies to interested Ukrainian B.A.-students.

Within the last 15 years, the Federal Republic of Germany took a whole series of measures to reduce the share of fossil fuels in its energy supply. Issues such as: promotion of energy efficiency, phasing out nuclear power, the supply of renewable energies in the electricity grid, and the intensive promotion of renewable energy are core elements of this energy revolution. According to statistics, the share of renewable electricity in Germany rose from 6 percent to nearly 25 percent in only ten years (2002-2012). On certain days the, supply from renewables makes up to half the country’s electricity demand.

 The study tour will particularly highlight the political and economic dimension of the energy transition. The following questions should be answered: How does the legislative process work in FRG? Which stakeholders influence (try to influence) the adoption of energy related laws? What is the status of implementation of the energy transition? What challenges or which problems arise in the implementation of energy policy today? During the study trip, we will visit local, national and international political as well as economical institutions related to the theme of “Energy transition” and “Renewable energies in Germany.” We will hear lectures, about German federal legislation process (with visits to Bundestag, Bundesrat, Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Environment). In addition to the visit of the state agencies and research institutions we will visit companies and energy corporations, which work on a daily bases in the field of energy transition.

The dedicated Ukrainian bachelor students have to prepare presentations in the field of “German energy policy”, “Lobbying within the Energy sector”, “German environmental policies” and “legislation process in the federal republic of Germany” and have to present their reports during the study trip in Germany.

Funded parts of the study trip:

  • Accommodation and meals in modest youth hostels (dormitory with shared rooms and facilities) in Berlin, Jena and Erfurt.
  • Full transportation costs for travelling from Kyiv to Berlin and from Berlin to Kyiv (airplane or train).
  • Train trips from Berlin to Jena, Erfurt and from Jena
  • All Meals in Germany
  • Possible visa costs

Not funded:

  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses in Germany

If you are a German-speaking (at any level) student in the third or fourth year enrolled in bachelor programmes and would like to join the group, please send your brief and precise application. You are also encouraged to apply, when you only have good English knowledge. The knowledge of German is no precondition for the application!

(1. Application-Form, 2. CV (English or German) (Europass recommended), a short motivation letter (1-2 pages) (answering the question why you are interested in this topic), until is 8th November, 2015., to the e-mail addresses: dsg.naukma(at)gmail.com and maksym.yakovlyev(at)gmail.com

Application Form – Energy transition 2015

Please merge all these documents into one PDF file using your name as the file’s title.

The email’s subject line should say “Study trip to Germany 2015 – YOUR NAME”.

The application deadline is 8th November 2015.

No applications will be accepted after this date. Please indicate your visa and financial situation in your application.

Warning! Please be aware that it is the participants’ own responsibility to make all arrangements with the university instructors to avoid any problems that can eventually arise because of the participants’ absence from studies in Ukraine. Organizers of the programmed can provide proof of participation letters but will not engage in making individual arrangements. Please, bear in mind that the selected participants are obliged to participate in all academic activities both in Kiev and in Jena.


Mr. Felix Schimansky-Geier, M.A.

E-Mail: dsg.naukma(at)gmail.com,

German Coordinator of the German Master programme “German and European Studies” (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany)

Mr. Maksym Yakovlyev

E-Mail: Yakovlyevmv(at)ukma.kiev.ua

Ukrainian Coordinator of the German Master programme “German and European Studies”

(National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine)


Джерело: http://www.des.uni-jena.de/Aktuelles/Nachrichten/CfA_+DAAD_Study+trip+to+Germany+2015_+_Successful+legislative+procedures+in+Germany_+_+8_11_2015.html

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