Студентська конференція з охорони навколишнього середовища

Молоді дослідники біологічного, екологічного та географічного профілів запрошуються до участі у 17-тій конференції з охорони навколишнього середовища. Є можливість отримати грант на участь у заході.

Дати: 22 – 24 березня 2016 року.

Місце: Кембридж, Великобританія.

Дедлайн: 23 жовтня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

he Student Conference on Conservation Science series in Cambridge, Australia, Beijing, Bangalore, New York and Hungary is the only international series of conservation conferences aimed entirely at students. SCCS helps young conservation scientists gain experience, learn new ideas and make contacts that will be valuable for their future careers.

Talks and posters
Each day the programme starts with a plenary lecture from a leading conservation scientist, and is followed by around 10 student talks. About 100 students also present their work at the three poster sessions.

Workshops and networking
As well as attending presentations, conference delegates can take part in workshops, which cover skills such as paper-writing, fund-raising, social science tools, and much more. Other events include evening sessions where delegates can meet conservation professionals from leading UK and international conservation bodies.

Bursaries and Internships
If you are from a developing country or eastern European country, you can you use our online application form to apply for a BURSARY to help with the costs of getting to the conference or an INTERNSHIP if you want to both attend the conference and work on a conservation-related project for one month at a UK institution. Please view this table before applying to see whether you qualify. We will consider applicants only from Lower Income (LIC), Lower Middle Income (LMC) and Upper Middle Income (UMC) countries for bursaries and internships. Please note that we are only able to help a small number of applicants for bursaries and internships and cannot help those already based in western Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or North America.

The conference internship scheme enables students to extend their visit to the UK for up to four weeks after the conference to carry out mutually beneficial work with conservation organisations or academic institutions. The internship scheme aims to to help develop the careers of promising conservation scientists and to strengthen and catalyse north-south collaborations.

Джерело: http://www.sccs-cam.org/

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