Літня школа «STEPS» у Великобританії

Триває аплікаційний процес на участь у літній школі «STEPS», яка збере аспірантів та молодих дослідників у галузі сталого розвитку.

Дати: 16 – 27 травня 2016 року.

Місце: Брайтон, Великобританія.

Дедлайн: 27 січня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Summer School brings together highly-motivated doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, working in fields around development studies, science and technology studies, innovation and policy studies, and across agricultural, health, water or energy issues.

The deadline for applications is 27 January 2016.

Complete the online application form (external website)

About the Summer School

The STEPS Centre Summer School aims to bring together an exceptional group of people who are exploring ideas and research methodologies for pathways to sustainability. Through a mix of lectures, walks, discussions and public events, participants will challenge the STEPS team and each other on questions of science, society and development.

The summer school has run since 2012 with the generous support of the ESRC, IDRC and UKIERI.

How it works

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is the main venue. IDS is on the edge of the Sussex University campus, set in the middle of rolling countryside but with good transport links to Brighton.

The programme includes lectures and discussions, ‘walkshops’ – longer discussions held on walks through the surrounding area – social events, and a chance to play the African Farmer game. The Summer School also includes some time in smaller groups, where participants get to reflect and discuss their own work, led and mentored by members of the STEPS Centre.

The discussion in these groups goes towards a mini-conference, planned and run by participants themselves, with support from the STEPS team.

Джерело: http://steps-centre.org/engagement/steps-summer-school/

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