Волонтерство в Іспанії

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів для дивовижної можливості у сонячній Іспанії: “From Urban to Rural”!

Дедлайн – якомога швидше!

Коли: as soon as possible

Тривалість: 10 місяців

Де: Sierra Norte de Madrid, Spain.

About the host association

De Amicitia is an international exchange and volunteer association with more than 20 years of experience. Its aim is rural development with the participation of young people from all over the world.

Our passion is sustainable local development through inclusion, training and youth exchanges. It is about using solidarity as a trigger for rural development. In the same way, the project aims to give young people, many of them from the urban world, the opportunity to experience the rural world.

Possible tasks

The activities to be carried out can be detailed in the following:

  • Opening and support of the tourist office
  • Free talks and walks with weekend visitors.
  • Tourist and environmental development by supporting initiatives in this field that include environmental routes through the municipality.
  • Support in SSR of activities to promote rural tourism in the Sierra
  • Accomplishment of support tasks such as translations/pictures in outreach material of the Sierra Norte
  • Support cultural activities such as events, concerts and festivals that can be done
  • Specific support for the summer campaign of international volunteer camps by participating in them. The volunteers will support the monitors/leaders who coordinate these activities without in any case carrying out activities of any responsibility.
  • Development of CCIVS campaigns in the local population and participants of the workcamps.
  • Visit to local projects with the purpose of evaluating previous fields or fields to be carried out in the following season.
  • Carrying out talks to promote the Erasmus Plus Programme, the ESC and European mobility among young people.
  • Participation in thematic or structural meetings of our Alliance network that serve to strengthen our ties and prepare new projects and ideas.
  • The preparation and management of free workshops as cultural support with the entities we usually work with, which are usually town halls.
  • Supporting our organisation’s SSR activities by generating posters, videos or photos as a means of preparing for the 2020 summer campaign.
  • Any other task or activity of local development promoted at the initiative of the volunteer or a collective council with which we collaborate.


18-30 years old. We would like to share this project with an active and positive person, with great cultural and social interest. Who desires to share his culture and be interested in knowing others, so that he/she can enjoy the exchange.

Since English is not spoken in rural areas, it is highly recommended and desirable that you know a little in Spanish. Once here, we will help you with a language course.

How to apply

Send us your CV and motivation letter to coordinator@deamicitia.org with the subject: From

Rural to Urban.

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth” Stella “(PIC 947609200).

Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

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