Довгострокове волонтерство в Іспанії

НГО Стелла шукає волонтера для партнерської організації Fundación Sevilla Acoge.

⭐️ When: May 1, 2020 – March, 31 2021

✈️ Where: Sevilla, Spain

? What: Organization, which is working with the immigrant population residing in the country.

? From where: countries of EU and partner countries.

? Apply until: September 10th, 2019.

Sevilla Acoge intervenes in a multicultural environment. Therefore, the presence of volunteers from other – It is an opportunity to joint work between volunteers Spanish and European ones. – It strengthens the European dimension of the project to make contact with similar organizations in Europe. – The Europeans volunteers will serve as positive referent to young migrants living in Sevilla. – Volunteers have the opportunity to work in Sevilla Acoge, a highly experienced organization as far as intervention among people of different cultures is concerned. Learn to live in a multicultural working environment and meet people from other customs, values, etc..

✅Actions that executes Foundation Sevilla Acoge daily seeks achieve social change✅:

– Welcoming immigrants.

– While respecting cultural identity.

– By promoting equal rights.

– Raising awareness in society about the new and complex multicultural reality.

– Creating integration links, neighborliness between migrants and Spanish.

⭐️Volunteer roles⭐️

*Support and collaboration with educators, mediators, technicians and volunteers of each center in their daily work, conducting planned activities and contributing to the socio-cultural and employment integration of migrants that participate in our intervention.

*Participation in the planning and evaluation of activities.

*In all tasks the intercultural dimension is present, as much among members of the work teams at each center, as between the beneficiaries of the activities.

*Diversity and balance tasks will be foreseen.

*All tasks for volunteers provide gradual responsibility. Will always have guidance and support in the case of specialized or delicate tasks, as is the case acting with families and single women.

*Volunteers will always be able to share their personal concerns, their knowledge, their skills, their own initiatives.

? Please, send your CV and motivation letter to: svesede@sevillaacoge.org and indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth” Stella “(PIC 947609200).?

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