Іспанія: два проєкти на тему комунікацій та медіа

НГО “Стелла” пропонує дві довгострокові волонтерські вакансії в Іспанії. Початок проєктів у листопаді.

Назва проєктів: Empowering people and creating new realities with ESC

Дати: 01.11.2020-31.10.2021 (12 months)

Місце: Chiclana de la Frontera, province of Cádiz, Spain

Дедлайн: 25.03.2020

Volunteer Profile 1


We are looking for an open-minded, creative and motivated person who is passionate about design, taking corporate style photos and creating videos. The volunteer will prepare posters and flyers for different activities of the association. The volunteer will also collaborate with other organizations in social communication advertising. The volunteer will also organize different activities related to social transformation and dynamization. Other tasks that may arise.

Selection criteria are:

– To be between 18-30 years old

– To be able to communicate in English (Spanish language will be a plus)

– Background of design and video making

– Knowledge of Photoshop and video editing tools

– Professional photo camera will be a plus


Volunteer Profile 2


We are looking for an open-minded, creative and motivated person who is ready to work in CAPI (our Center for the public access and use of the Internet). The volunteer will work in an international environment and teach local people how to use computers, basic programs (OC Linux), help them creating CVs in Spanish and English, tutor courses of foreign languages, promote Erasmus+programs, search for new ESC partner organizations (interaction, communication and organization of the required vacancies with the international partners). The volunteer will also organize different activities related to social transformation and minimization.

Selection criteria are:

– To be between 18-30 years old

– To be able to communicate in English (Spanish language will be a plus)

– Excellent communication skills

– Must have computer skills: Microsoft Office Programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), managing different types of databases (Cloud, Drive etc.), spreadsheets and all Microsoft Office features in general

Як подати заявку?

Do you want to spend a year full of sunshine helping people and developing your organizational and Spanish skills? If yes, this project is perfect for you! 🙂 Send your motivational letter and CV to dinamizacionsocial@arrabalempleo.org until 25.03.2020.at 12.pm.

Please, don’t forget to indicate, that your sending organization is KHARKIV NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACTIVE YOUTH “STELLA”.

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