Тренінговий курс в Іспанії з теми емоційного інтелекту: влітку 2021

Що: training course

Назва тренінгового курсу: RESETTING EMOTIONS

Коли і де: 21-29 July 2021 | RONDA (MÁLAGA), Spain

Дедлайн: 20 вересня, результат відбору 22 вересня

Для кого: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers, Young people

Джерело і деталі по реєстрації тут

Мета події:

The objective is promoting emotional skills in order to develop our emotional intelligence through coaching and PNL. There will be sessions about the emotions study through theatre. We will also offer a meeting point for organizing future projects.


Association Reto por Europa has prepared this meeting with the main objective of promoting emotional skills in order to develop our emotional intelligence through coaching and PNL (Neuro Lingüistic Programming: it works on the efficacy of certain way of communication on peoples mind in order to produce changes on them). Apart from that, we will carry out some sessions devoting them on the emotions study through theatre. For this reason, during seven days we are going to work on these topics with  profesional specialists. In spite of that, we are going to offer meeting point in order to organize future projects with the different participant associations.


  • Creating spaces which favour the exchange of good practices.
  • Being aware about interior potential and individual responsability.
  • Improving mental process.
  • Developing critic thought.
  • Taking better emotional freedom.
  • Developing communicative habilities.
  • Improving confort zone.
  • Connecting with emotions.
  • Setting up reciprocity.
  • Trusting our intuition.
  • Developing as leaders.
  • Trusting our leadership.


  • Coaching and PNL.
  • Victim model and starring.
  • PNL: improvement of emotional phases.
  • Communication principles.
  • Rapport: creating weapons in order to carry out a correct communication feeling confortable.
  • Reconform.
  • Metaprogrammes.
  • Introspection.
  • Game links.
  • Physical and emotional body knowledge: confidence, lack of inhibition, register of each one.
  • Colective movement knowledge.


  • Workshops.
  • Contents exposition.
  • Practical activities.
  • Group dynamics.
  • Group and individual activities: corporal and talking games, intuition, observation, improvisation, dissociation, etc.
  • Debate.


1.- Wake up. We will focalize the emotional waking-up of each person. Conneting and explaing our senses for a fluid vocal and corporal communication.

2.- We are here. Understanding the concept of “here” and “now”, not “yesterday” or “tomorrow”. In order to advance in our objectives, it is importan to recognize and accept our present.

3.- Connecting people. Understanding that we are not alone, we live in a society. For this reason, we look for enriching the posibilities that each person has and enfarcing new ones with the objective of linking to others.

4.- Feeling Good Vibes. Changing the point of our view, feeding our optimism, specially in negative situations that can present, as COVID-19.

5.- You can do it. Undestanding that we are social entities and we live collectively, we look for esfarcing our presence as leaders. Trusting and enphasizing personal posibilitiies in order to reach our objectives.

6.- Personal leadership. We will help participants to become aware of their own potential, to acquire an attitude of protagonism in their personal and professional life and to obtain a better management of themselves that allows them to advance towards their objectives and generate well-being in their lives. While developing a critical and flexible thinking.

7.- Emotional Management. This workshop will help participants to improve the skills involved in managing their emotions and others. This workshop gives a better undestarding about how our brain works and how we can use it in a more usefull way when it comes to our emotions. This will provide more emotional freedom in general.

8.- Communication and Language. We will provides the participants the opportunity to improve their communication skills. By helping them to have a more effective comunication and also more asertive. Being able to deliver better messages, conversations and talks.

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1 Відповідь

  1. В это нелёгкое время, когда создаёт напряжение эпидемия Короновируса, Данная информация даёт возможность отвлечься, уверовать в собственные силы и приняться жить с надеждой в позитивное предстоящее время.

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