Терміново: волонтер на насичений і різнобарвний проєкт у Польщі!

Дуже терміново! НГО”Стелла” шукає волонтера на насичений і різнобарвний проєкт у Польщі!

Коли: березень 2021 – березень 2022

Де: Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynya (Poland)

Дедлайн: 31/01/2021, 23:59

CARITAS ARCHDIOCESE GDANSK (CAG) brings help to every single person in need regardless worldview, religion, gender, age or health status. Сharitable and humanitarian activities of the organization are dedicated to the spiritual and material needs of people.

Main groups of people who are supported by CAG:

– Youth and children (from communities at risk of social exclusion),

– Elderly people,

– People with disabilities (including mental disabilities), – poor and homeless people,

– Center for chronically ill people where they get daily care, professional medical support and rehabilitation assistance,

– Center of single mothers, who have difficult situation, they do not have financial resources or any support from their families.


Youth in age 5 -18 year old

– From difficult backgrounds, were families having problems with alcohol, drugs addiction, poverty, prison, unemployment, violence, illiteracy, often incapacity of life, being in families were are many children in a small flats where is no conditions to learn, sleep, have fun etc.

– Having problems in learning, in general not speaking in English, having emotional problems, problems with communication, often hyperactive, sometimes aggressive.

Above description might seem to be scary but they are good children who need attention, positive attention not the one which they often have at school. There, they are perceived as people without any chances to live in a “good way”. However our experience show that those children and youth are very active, they know what is team. They are willing to act, play together etc. We see the results of the therapy, of our work if only those children get the chance, if you believe in them they are able to act and create something good. They just need attention of other person, good warm words.

Club of Seniors Elderly in age from 65 year old.

This is a day center for elderly people, a space where they are able to spend pleasant time together, play games, do handmade things, get new information, do physical exercises in order to keep them active.

Centers for People with disabilities

Therapy centers for people with disabilities where they get educational, social and psychological support. Art is a main form of therapy and rehabilitation for the disabled, therapy, spiritual, intellectual and physical development is the main goal of the employees of the center.


– To support the project/work Coordinator to plan, implement and evaluate programme events, seminars and other national or international events, provide input and support with creative ideas for strategic development of the centers.

– To take a lead role in implementing outdoor, cultural, educational activities,

– To work as a member of the programme team, leading and developing activities for our beneficially.

– Take part in various activities of Caritas.

– To ensure that beneficially are provided with relevant educational, cultural programme information and practical help.

– Cooperate with project and work coordinator.

– To respond to programme correspondence from potential participants in a timely manner.

– To maintain / improve programme materials and equipment.

– To provide input to promotional material on programme events for the CAG website, newsletters and other publications providing research and marketing material for events and potential marketing opportunities; updating website & other social media.

Більше інформації тут: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ddg9bki1ei33qaz/AAClz-yGi585digjhrJxOGdua?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR24uXaXb97mhpm2bg-hXtb-mmDOs4ajj9xSIeqcgAHaT-AdTlOUMb7S9tQ


  • 18-30 років
  • Інтерес до проекту
  • Знання англійської мови на розмовному рівні/вітається знання польської мови, але не є обов’язковою вимогою.

Фінансові умови

Проект фінансується за рахунок програми Європейський Корпус Солідарності. Усі витрати на візу, страхування, проживання, харчування та міжнародні транспортні витрати покриваються повністю. Також волонтер отримуватиме щомісячно кишенькові кошти та онлайн курси польської мови.

How to apply?

Для того, щоб подати заявку на проект, будь ласка, надішліть своє CV та мотиваційний лист на evs@ngo-stella.org та поясніть вашу мотивацію участі у проекті.

В темі листа зазначте “Volunteering in CARITAS”.

Волонтерство змінює життя!

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