SoMu: магістратура Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism у 4 країнах зі стипендією

Магістратура з соціолінгвістики та багатомовності (Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism, SoMu) – це міжнародна спільна навчальна програма, організована Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), Johannes-Gutenberg University (Mainz, Germany), Stockholm University (Sweden), and the University of Tartu (Estonia).

The program is designed to provide students with the theoretical background and analytical tools to understand and evaluate an on-going work in Nordic and Baltic sociolinguistics and multilingualism, as well as furnish their foreign language skills: additionally to English, students will learn a further international vehicular language, for example, German, and at least two lesser-used and taught European state and/or national languages.

The program familiarizes students with the general key theories and methods of sociolinguistics (traditional, variationist sociolinguistics, constructivist sociolinguistics, language variation, the dialogic relationship of language use and societal patterns), as well as offers a new and wider perspective and understanding of multilingualism as the parallel use of national, minority and migrant languages alongside one or more international vehicular language(s).

Among the existing MA programs in sociolinguistics our program is unique in regard to:

  • its language focus (students acquire competences in two international vehicular languages as well as at least two lesser-used and taught languages);
  • its geographical focus on the entire Nordic and Baltic-Sea region (there is no linguistic MA program which would cover such a wide range of languages spoken around the Baltic-Sea);
  • its focus on multilingualism in a wide sense (rather than on language policy and planning issues concerning just one European minority population or country);
  • its in-built mobility (studying abroad is compulsory and equally long study periods in three universities in three different countries are required).

Our main goal is to prepare specialists who with their solid linguistic training will be able to conduct research on multilingualism and disseminate their results not only within the academia but also amongst the different stakeholder groups, including politicians, thus contributing to well-informed decision-making.

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Стипендійні можливості навчатись на цій магістратурі

Scholarship opportunities for SoMu students:
  • Mobility scholarships: since SoMu is an international joint-degree program, students must spend their second and third semester in partner institutions. In order to cover part of the expenses connected to their mobility, enrolled students will receive:
    • mobility grants offered by partner institutions based on bilateral agreements or through other programs such as LLP/Erasmus, on the basis of the individual eligibility and selection to these programs;
  • LLP/ERASMUS programme: Students can apply for an Erasmus scholarship . SoMu students will have an opportunity to apply for Erasmus mobility grants both in Kaunas and in Mainz. For more information about LLP/Erasmus check VMU International website (Kaunas) or JGU Erasmus website (Mainz). For more information about the program see the official website of LLP/ERASMUS programme.

National possibilities for applying for financial support:



  • DAAD: German students can inform themselves about the scholarships provided by DAAD on its website. DAAD also offers scholarships for foreign students who study in Germany. More information about these possibilities here;
  • PROMOS: Promos supports students who want to go abroad. However, students cannot apply for the program personally, the scholarships will be allocated by the university to students who achieved good marks. You can find more information about PROMOS here;
  • Auslands-Bafög (Abroad-Bafög): German students can apply for “Auslands-Bafög”. It is financed by the state and covers partly the travel costs, the health care, the tuition fees and the living costs. The half of the money is a grant and the other half is a loan. Click here for more information about “Auslands-Bafög”;
  • Scholarship Foundations: Germany has a few foundations which funds talented students. Click here for more opportunities.

Як податися на цю програму

Students have to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree or equivalent in Humanities or Social Sciences. The Bachelor Degree shall contain at least 30 ECTSin the field of linguistics or philology.
  • Good knowledge of English on level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students from non-partner universities are asked to provide the proof of English language proficiency.
  • Admission interview. Virtual interviews are conducted online with admissions representatives using video chat software. Applicants who meet minimum requirements are invited by email to schedule their interview date with the Admissions Committee.

You should hear a decision in about two weeks after your application is complete.

Application and admission procedure

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