Симпозіум “Smooth Muscle Physiology, Biophysics and Pharmacology”

Молоді дослідники-біологи та медики, що працюють чи прагнуть працювати в сфері біофізики та фармакології, запрошуються до участі в симпозіумі “Smooth Muscle Physiology, Biophysics and Pharmacology”, що пройде в Києві 18-22 вересня, а також школі молодих вчених.

Дедлайн для подачі тез та реєстрації участі в школі – 20 серпня.

Детальний опис англійською:

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the 3rd Kyiv International Symposium on Smooth Muscle Physiology, Biophysics and Pharmacology. The symposium will include invited talks presented by prominent scientists from many countries on a wide range of smooth muscle physiology, biophysics and pharmacology topics including ionic mechanisms of electrical activity, neuronal regulation of smooth muscle contractility, molecular organization and biophysical properties of receptors and ion channels, regulation of smooth muscle function by endothelial and interstitial cells, mechanisms of action of neurotransmitters on smooth muscles, local and global calcium signalling, ion transport pathways, mechanics of  smooth muscle contraction, intrinsic sensory mechanisms in smooth muscle cells, and smooth muscle pathophysiology and pharmacology.

As well as keynote and plenary lectures three poster sessions and shorter oral communications are also planned. The programme of the symposium, which is collective result of our discussions, reflects the diversity of problems, techniques and achievements in modern smooth muscle research. We will also greet Prof. Thomas Bolton, who is one of the founders of the contemporary smooth muscle physiology, with his 75th jubilee. You may recall the highly influential book “Physiology of Smooth Muscle” edited by Edith Bülbring and Michael Shuba, which was published after the 1st Symposium on the Physiology of Smooth Muscles held in Kyiv in 1974. We therefore suggest to team up to produce a comprehensive collective monograph on this subject.

We anticipate that the meeting will be held in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere and will lead to productive scientific exchange and collaborations in this area of research.

We also invite you to participate in our 3rd Annual International School in Biomedical Sciences for undergraduate, MSc, PhD students, and young researchers “Cell Function in Health and Disease”, which will run in parallel with our Symposium. In organising these Schools, internationalization of University education and promotion of biomedical research are the key priorities of participating universities. The 2012 School “Ion Channels in Health and Disease” and 2013 School “Calcium Signaling in Health and Disease” were organised jointly with Queen’s University Belfast. We are very keen to continue this form of educational activities with your help. If you are interested to participate, in addition to the topic of your symposium lecture please suggest a lecture, seminar or tutorial to engage with the students.

The symposium will include a second, more informal part, organised in Lutsk and at the summer research base of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University on the shores of lake Svitiaz, where we plan to organise, in conjunction with our Symposium, meeting of the Biophysical Society of Ukraine with Presidents and Executive members of several European Biophysical Societies.

We look forward to welcoming you to Kyiv and Lutsk.

Джерело: http://smphys.in.ua/index.php


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