Волонтерство з теми сучасного мистецтва та культури

Довгострокове волонтерство у Словакії для любителів сучасного мистецтва та культури від НГО “Стелла”!

We are looking for ESC volunteers who want to have a creative project with main focus on preparing events with the technicians or documenting events with pictures or video.

Location: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie and Nová synagóga Žilina, Slovakia

Age: 18-30 y.o.

Starting: August/ September 2020 or December 2020 / January 2021

Duration: 12 months

Deadline: 31/03/2020

Our NGO focuses on contemporary art and culture in Žilina and we are operating our events in a former synagogue and an old but still functioning train station.

For this particular project (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/20814_en), the main creative activity will be photo/ video documentation of the events and activities we do. You will be responsible also for uploading the photos on our online photo archive on flickr.com/photos/stanica/. Our volunteers are involved in almost all the processes related to everyday operation of independent cultural venue. They sell tickets before the events, they distribute posters, prepare guest room or catering for artists. Other activities depends on mutual discussion and on the individual preferences, background and profile of the volunteer.

For this project (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/20816_en), the main creative activity will be working with our team of 3 technicians preparing all the events. As a technician volunteer you help to build concerts, screen movies, assist during discussions. Our volunteers are involved in almost all the processes related to everyday operation of independent cultural venue. They sell tickets before the events, they distribute posters, prepare guest room or catering for artists.

Other activities during both projects depends on mutual discussion and on the individual preferences, background and profile of the volunteer. You can develop your own activity which makes sense and fits with our programme (for example workshops). During 12 months spent in our organisation, you can gain unique experience for people who would like to continue working in the cultural field.


  • Lot’s of learning possibilities and experiences
  • Good accommodation (your own big room) close to our cultural centre.
  • Nice colleagues and 3 other great volunteers to work with.

For more information about the project go to the database:



or ask for the infopack by mail nienke@stanica.sk

Apply by filling in the google form (deadline 31 March): https://forms.gle/jwobcwWEuHm6t5Us5

Information about the sending organization:


PIC: 947609200

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org

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