Стипендії на навчання від Уряду Словацької Республіки

Уряд Словацької Республіки надає стипендії на навчання в 2019-2020 році на здобуття освіти у своїх вищих навчальних закладах. Метою програми стипендій є надання можливості талановитим українським студентам отримати якісну освіту за кордоном.

Дедлайн – 30 квітня

Сума стипендії:

a) university student 350 €
b) PhD student 580 €
c)  university teacher/researcher/artist:
  • without PhD degree (or its equivalent) and less than 4 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist
580 €
  • with PhD degree (or its equivalent) and less than 10 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist
850 €
  • with PhD degree (or its equivalent) and more than 10 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist
1,000 €

Далі детальніше англійською

Хто може брати участь

A) students who:

  • are university students at universities outside Slovakia;
  • are students of the second level of higher education (master’s students), or are students who at the time of application deadline have already completed at least 2.5 years of their university studies in the same study programme;
  • will be on a study stay in Slovakia during their higher education outside Slovakia and who will be accepted by a public, private or state university in Slovakia for an academic mobility1 to study in Slovakia.

All 3 conditions must be met. This category does not apply to doctoral (PhD) studies (or their equivalent).

  • Duration of a scholarship stay (students): 1 – 2 semesters (i.e. 4 – 5 or 9 – 10 months) or 1 – 3 trimesters, in case the academic year is divided into trimesters (i.e. 3 – 4 or 6 – 7 or 9 – 10 months).

 B) PhD students whose higher education or scientific training takes place outside Slovakia and who are accepted by a public, private or state university or a research institution in Slovakia eligible to carry out a doctoral study programme2 (e.g. the Slovak Academy of Sciences) for an academic mobility1 to study/conduct research in Slovakia.

  • Duration of a scholarship stay (PhD students): 1 – 10 months.

 C) international university teachers, researchers and artists who are invited to a teaching/research/artistic stay in Slovakia by an institution with a valid certificate of eligibility to carry out research and development, which is not a business company3 and it has its headquarters in Slovakia.

  • Duration of a scholarship stay (university teachers, researchers or artists): 1 – 10 months.

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Додаткова інформація

Lukáš MARCINprogramme administrator

tel: +421-2-5930-4733 (direct line)
SAIA, n. o.
Sasinkova 10
812 20 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
tel: +421-2-5930-4700, +421-2-5930-4711
fax: +421-2-5930-4701

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