Тренінговий курс “Self-development through Communication”

ГО “Development and Initiative” шукає учасників на тренінг в шаленій Іспанії!

Проект: “Self-development through Communication”
Коли? 18-24.09.2018
Де: Cercedilla (Madrid province), Spain

Тобі можна подавати заявку, якщо ти:

  • віком від 18 років
  • цікавишся темою саморозвитку та комунікаційних технік
  • хочеш приєднатися до крутого проекту, знайти друзів та провести осінь з користю
  • можеш працювати англійською мовою
  • маєш готовий біометричний закордонний паспорт або візу
  • ти активна, позитивна та відкрита людина

Дедлайн подачі: 29.07.2018

Детальніше про проект:

Self-development through Communication is a training course on developing essential life-skills that will ensure the participants’ success in every area of life. They will be able to do this through the practice of the latest techniques in the self-improvement, body language and external and internal communication’s industries, mixed in with the best non-formal education practices. 26 participants from Spain, Greece, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria and Ukraine will get together for an awesome experience.

The project “Self-Development through communication” is aiming to work on the social skills of the young generation through communication exercises and self- development. This leads to underdevelopment of the soft skills of the young generation and creates all sorts of problems within the population, as people go out to socialize less and less, which inevitably leads to lack of confidence and social anxiety.
The aims of the project are to provide to the participants practical tools to help them socialize effectively and be more confident and influential in their day to day interactions and in the professional fields. The project will give to students, volunteers and youth workers, the opportunity to learn different techniques that will help them develop their soft skills in an international environment. These tools will help them in their relationships with family and friends and especially in the professional life. The use of certain exercises will give to the participants the ability to act and speak appropriately in all sorts of social situations. We will show them how to be more flexible in social situations, which require different social roles and they will engage in a learning-by-doing based exercises in order to gain practical skills.

Результати відбору: впродовж 2 тижнів після дедлайну всі апліканти отримають результати на свій email.

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