Студентська конференція у Словенії

Студенти запрошуються до участі у конференції, яка відбудеться влітку в Словенії. Учасники зможуть взяти участь у різноманітних воркшопах на теми тайм-менеджменту, командотворення, постановки цілей тощо.

Дати: 29 червня – 8 липня 2015 року.

Місце: Марібор, Словенія

Дедлайн: 31 березня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

SCiM (Student Conference in Maribor) is a conference organized by the Student organization of University of Maribor and financially supported by Slovenian Student Union. SCiM is organized by the department of international affairs. The department organizes a lot of projects during the year, yet SCiM is one of the biggest. It has become a tradition for the Student organization of University of Maribor, to organize a conference where students from different countries join to debate about important issues of the society around us and to express their opinion through their critical point of view.


  • Life focus and analysis.
  • Priorities and goal setting.
  • Time management and tools.
  • Work – life balance.
  • Building a team and group dynamics.
  • The basics of efective communication.
  • Tools for leading a team.
  • Communication model and what effects our communication.
  • Non-verbal communication and how to use it,.
  • Understanding and resolving conflicts.
  • Tools to master and use.
  • The basics of public speaking.
  • Rhetorics and storytelling.
  • Effective presentations.
  • Improvisation.
  • Little school of politics.

Student conference in Maribor is all about exploring foreign cultures, meeting interesting people, gaining new skills and having fun at the same time. Therefore we are looking for interesting, outgoing and open participants.

Please note:

  • The application deadline is March, 31st 2015 (23:59 CET).
  • All the participants must be aged between 18 and 28 years old.
  • The official language of SCiM is English, therefore we only accept applications in English.

The participants have to cover the travel expenses to the city of Maribor and need to pay 50 € participation fee for other activities (depends on the program and all activities the costs might increase for max. 25 €).

Джерело: http://www.scim.si/?page_id=27

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