Вакансія на волонтерство в організації SCI у Бельгії

Позиція волонтера: Project Volunteer

Організація: SCI International Secretariat

Країна: Antwerp, Belgium

Термін: лютий – грудень 2021 р.

Дедлайн: 4 січня 2021 р.

SCI has been organising international volunteering projects for 100 years internationally, organising short term voluntary projects (workcamps) as well as mid-term and long-term volunteering exchanges. SCI’s vision is a world of peace; social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict. SCI’s mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact. The volunteers’ work will support this mission.
The volunteer will be supporting mainly the implementation of two projects in SCI, working in close cooperation with the two project teams (remotely) and the Project lead in the office.

From Dreams to Actions: together for a peaceful future is an international project that addresses the need of building capacity and empowers young people and youth workers in becoming active citizens and peace envoys capable of practical action. The project consists of two parts:

  • An international training course that will be organised in September 2021 in Antwerp, Belgium with 33 participants coming from 12 countries –  Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Kosovo, Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium.
  • Follow up actions on the country/local level about and for peace, non-violence and non-discrimination, such as street actions, workshops, discussions, educational events, movie events, celebration of special days. These actions will take place from October to December 2021.

Grassroots change: volunteering, leadership and emancipation through hands-on work and mentoring is an international project among several SCI partners from Africa and Europe. The project aims to improve the quality of short and long term voluntary projects by investing in leadership and mentoring training for the youth organisations involved as well as by creating tools for the sending and hosting organisations, focusing on several topics such as gender perspective, climate justice and decolonisation.

The volunteer will work on the tasks described below. The placement schedule counts 30 hours a week, with 2 vacations days per month during the voluntary service. The volunteer will work with the Project Officer in managing the projects, its activities and outputs. The Volunteer Coordinator will support the volunteer’s learning experience during their placement.

Placement Tasks

Tasks will include (with some flexibility based on interest):

Project communication and management (50%)

  • Taking an active part in project meetings;
  • Supporting practical organisation of the project activities together with the team (logistics, communication with participants, preparing materials, etc.);
  • Collecting and producing content (articles, updates, other relevant material & resources) for the project website and SCI’s social media platforms;
  • Act as a contact point for the participants in organising, promoting and reporting their follow-up actions back in their countries;
  • Compiling resources, materials and impressions from SCI branches and participants in activities;
  • Helping with reporting, visibility and follow-up of the events.

Needs assessment and tools mapping (30%)

  • Conducting a research on SCI tools and publications relevant for short- and long-term exchanges in African – European context, as well as those focusing on project topics;
  • Collecting existing materials and trainings programmes focusing on preparation of volunteers;
  • Collecting existing needs of a broader group of organisations regarding exchanges between Africa and Europe (online survey, focus talks);
  • Organising findings of these two processes in a summary report;
  • Possibility of taking an active part in developing new tools and publications.

Other (20 %)

  • Responding inquiries from potential volunteers through info email;
  • Joining Office meetings;
  • Sharing some small general office tasks.

Who are we looking for?

A candidate aged between 18 – 30 who has:

  • An interest in the topics of peace education, human rights, solidarity, volunteering, intercultural dialogue, and who is eager to contribute to SCI’s mission of promoting a culture of peace;
  • An interest in researching/developing educational tools, materials and methodologies supporting volunteering and non-formal education;
  • An interest in managing projects with European funding;
  • Looking to build/improve cooperation in a team (also working remotely);
  • Looking to build/ improve organisational skills;
  • Good English language skills (spoken and written);
  • An interest to work in a dynamic, international office;
  • Is eligible to join the European Solidarity Corps – volunteering activity.


  • Basic graphic design skills or an interest in developing them;
  • Any previous experience with SCI is a plus.

What do we offer you?

  • A 11 months volunteer contract (under European Solidarity Corps) with Service Civil International’s International Secretariat;
  • A bike sharing card to use for transport between volunteer’s house and work and to explore the city of Antwerp;
  • Accommodation, comprising of a furnished room and shared facilities (kitchen, bathroom) with other volunteers;
  • A monthly volunteer allowance of 380 EUR;
  • Travel reimbursement for your travel between Antwerp and your place of residence at the beginning and at the end of your service (specific amount depending on location);
  • SCI Health Insurance.

How to apply?

Please send your CV and a short motivation letter in English latest by January 4th 2021 to Alena at programmes@sci.ngo

We are expecting the interviews to take place on 11 and 12 of January 2021 online.

Деталі: https://sci.ngo/we-are-looking-for-a-project-volunteer/

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