Литва: волонтерство в дитячому садку

“Пангея Ультима” запрошує волонтерів на проєкт у Литві: на 10 місяців, початок у вересні.

Проєкт вже затверджено. Волонтерська робота у дитячому садку з дітьми до 7 років.

Назва: Project “Do for a Cause, Not for Applause”

Dates of mobilities: September 2020 (10 months project)

Type of mobility: long-term project

Place of volunteering: Skuodas, Lithuania

Information about the organization: Skuodas nursery-kindergarten institution has been actively working in the field of preschool education focused on its target group 1,5 – 7-year old children and their parents since the year 2001. During this time efforts have been made to consistently improve the child’s educational system and to discover innovative teaching techniques. That is why the staff of professional preschool educators now work with other specialists such as speech therapists, public health care professionals, arts and music teachers, social pedagogues. The priorities of our institution are to provide high-quality preschool and pre-primary education services, ensuring an active child’s self-expression in the educational process. Strengthen community interaction, create positive relationships between the child, the family, and the teacher, based on partnership, communication and cooperation, and respect towards one another.

Information about the project: Europian Solidarity Corps project “Do for a Cause, Not for  Applause” involves one volunteer from Ukraina country for long term volunteering from 01.09.2020 until 31.07.2021 for 10 months in a small town Skuodas, Lithuania. The ideas of the European Solidarity Corps project “Do for a Cause, Not for Applause” were inspired by multifaceted benefits, positive changes that were brought by experience gained by various organizations in the international volunteering field. Volunteering facilitates the use of non-formal education ideas in practical activities and encourages its self-education. Project “Do for a Cause, Not for Applause” invites everyone to take an enthusiastic step towards professional and human experience for making a better future and to discover their potential of creating a better worldview for a young person. “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” Young people are very influenced by the people who surround them, how they impact them. New people in an organization always brings innovative ideas, knowledge, experience for youth in a small town as Skuodas helps to discover the variety of different beliefs and attitudes and interest in active life. The main objective of this project is to welcome one motivated volunteer who would help to ensure an active child’s self-expression in the educational process. to creating positive relationships between the child, the family, and the teacher, based on cooperation and respect towards one another and surrounding the child with love and care. A secure and creative environment will be created to reach this goal and volunteers will be able to implement themselves by helping the host organization to achieve its objectives.

What about you? The volunteer is not required to have special experience and skills in the working library, but he or she should believe in and enjoy working with a team in the public sector, because this is the major type of person they will be working with costumers.

The basic request to volunteer are:

  • You are willing to learn and invest your own time, energy, and ideas into your work here in our institution. The love that you will give will come back to you in double.
  • Aged 18-30
  • You want to work with children age 3 to 7 years old.
  • You can speak English
  • You are initiative, creative, and social.

Expected learning outcome:

What will you do? So activities for volunteers will be organized according to these topics. The
main activities for the volunteer will be:

  • To help our educators prepare and carry out educational, sport, art and music activities in children’s groups;
  • To take part in organized events and projects in the kindergarten;
  • To implement your own ideas and hobbies in workshops for kids;
  • Most importantly – to spend time and play with the children.

Project conditions:

If you want to apply to send your CV with a photo and motivational letter in English until 31.07.20 on the email: pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com. In the title write “ESC Project in Skuodas”.

Candidate from Vinnytsia will receive preferences

Дізнатися більше про проєкт тут: ESC project in Lithuania, Skuodas

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