Волонтерство в Іспанії: робота з молоддю з сільської місцевості

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для довгострокового проєкту у сільській місцевості Іспанії! Ти будеш працювати з місцевими молодіжними групами, викладати англійську мову для дітей та впроваджувати власні ініціативи!

Application deadline: July 19th 2020
Location: Arenas de San Pedro, Spain
Duration: 10 months (from 5/09/2020 to 5/07/2021)

In this project you will work mostly with teenagers from Spanish rural areas.
Our association focuses on promoting youth initiative, raising awareness about social issues and making young voices matter, both on local and international level.

Volunteers’ tasks:
– Weekly youth group meetings (13 – 19 years old)
– Weekly meetings with the youth leaders group (14 – 19 years old)
– Weekly junior group meetings (8 – 12 years old)
– Weekly creative team meetings (12 – 19 years old)
– English classes with preschool children (once a week)
– Solidarity Youth Festival (June 2020)
– Office work
– Realizing your own (volunteer) initiative
– Preparation of European projects
– Preparation of all youth initiatives that may arise during the time of the EVS (debates, camps, flashmob, workshops, etc.)
– Radio group (optional)
– Helping AREDIS Association with their activities in the Occupational Centre for Mentally disabled people (optional)
– Carnaval group support (optional)
– Management of the Educamp project and its marketing via social media.

Volunteer profile
The project requires open-minded, sociable and easy-going people, 18-30 y.o., who are cheerful and assertive. The volunteers need to know how to work in a team and to come up with creative ideas. Candidates should be independent and
The candidates also have to be prepared to live in a small town (around 6500 inhabitants) in a rural area, and should take this into consideration when applying for the project.
Drivers licence is an advantage.

More info find here

How to apply?
Send your CV and motivation letter at evs.ajovenes@gmail.com.  In the subject line write: “Long term ESC in AJS”.
Please make sure your motivational letters are directed specifically to our project.

Information about sending organization: 
PIC: 947609200
OID: E10185376
Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029
Contact person: Nika Bunziak
Email: evs@ngo-stella.orginfo@ngo-stella.org

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