Румунія: відкрита позиція волонтера в організації

НГО “Стелла” шукає учасників для літнього короткострокового волонтерства у Румунії!

Коли: 15 July – 15 September 2020
Де: Craiova, Romania
Дедлайн: 14/06/2020

The purpose of our project is to carry on the idea of the Volunteering Center for Community Volunteering, from the aforementioned ESC project, and to create a support structure for young people in the community in implementing their ideas or directing their volunteer work where needed, creating a HUB linking between local NGOs and groups on the concept of TIME and RESOURCE BANKING.

In the context of the initiative taken by ANTER and other 2 local Ngo’s, ANDCTR and Explorator, to develop a functional Youth Center in Craiova city level, an aspect that took shape in partnership with the Student Culture House in an previous ESC project “Solidarity is the new step” and the city’s candidacy at the Youth Capital 2020-2021, being part of the initiative group, we designed this application as the next step towards the development of a sustainable volunteering center, under the aegis of “Volunteering for the community”.

The main activity will consist of developing a map of Craiova volunteering and building a matching system at local level between NGO opportunities and interests of young people from the community, but also the opening of the road to projects within the European Solidarity Corps based on needs identified quickly, with a possibility of increased impact due to the already formed network.

Description of the activity:
1. Mapping the opportunities in the community, by contacting local NGOs. A list will be requested from the Register of Associations and Foundations in Craiova to send the cover letter to all NGOs. Also included here are state institutions such as DJST, Traian Demetrascu House of Culture and so on
2. Creating for each willing NGO a presentation of the opportunities they have (will include video, photo gallery, script description, section with concrete opportunities and the need for help they have). We assume a minimum of 30 NGOs will be included in the initial volunteering map, as a result discussions during the need research phase at the local level. (I interviewed 37 NGOs from UpToYouth – CraiovaCapitalaTineretului group)
3. Organization of the event Volunteer Festival (VF) (a festival that is frequently performed by volunteers of our association in partnership with 3 others Local NGOs), with the purpose of disseminating information to young people in the community. We intend to organize it with Street Delivery, both being events already known by young people, and with a fairly high turnout. https://www.gds.ro/Local/Dolj/2019-07-16/festivalul-voluntariatului-editiaa-ii-a-la-craiova / https://www.facebook.com/events/371759090181820/.

The profile of the volunteers targeted in the project will be centered on young people between the ages of 18 and 30, speakers of English at least basic communication level, determined to develop volunteering activities related with young people and their perspectives in an European Community. Priority will be given to young people with low opportunities as well as to those with previous volunteer experience. You should have biometric passport.
How to apply?
Candidates will send:
– A Europass CV format
– A letter of motivation
– A complete enrollment form (you will receive it by email to express the option).
Email: anter.craiova@yahoo.com
More info you can find here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/umn5yr173a5qsco/infopack_Romania.pptx?dl=0

Information about sending organization:
PIC: 947609200
OID: E10185376
Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029
Contact person: Nika Bunziak
Email: evs@ngo-stella.orginfo@ngo-stella.org

Good luck!

Треба швидко написати успішний мотиваційний лист ВЖЕ на сьогодні? Ось тримай 3 короткі відеолекції про 3 різних приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. На курс піде +- година часу.

Потрібна повна підтримка для вступу чи пошуку програми за кордоном від А до Я? Консультації, допомога, дієві інструменти? Чекаємо в онлайн-спільноті «UniStudy Community”.

Більше безкоштовних актуальних порад та секретів шукай в рубриці КОРИСНЕ.

А щоб не пропустити жодного дедлайну програми, скачай Календар освітніх можливостей 2020.  Відкриємо секрет: він «вічний», тобто більшість програм повторюється із року в рік.

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