Румунія: волонтерство у центрі в локальній спільноті

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для розбудови волонтерського центру в локальній спільноті у Румунії!

When: 01.02.2021 – 30.09.2021

Where: Balș, Romania

Deadline: 15/12/2020

The agenda of the first two months is focused on the renovation and arrangement of the Volunteer Center, the volunteers, after acquiring the necessary skills, will work under the supervision of the coordinator to make that space a welcoming, non-formal and useful for young people to come to activities carried out later. The next months are practically the essence of the project, namely after the launch of the Volunteer Center, developing activities, promoting and managing the Center, organizing events.

The volunteers will be divided in 4 teams ( 4 international +1 in country each team ) and they will monthly rotate with a weakly leader who is responsible to share the task for his/her own team.

TEAM 1 – Activity Developers. The group will develop ideas of workshops and program agenda offered by Volunteer Center.

TEAM 2 – Promotion. Promoting both on/offline the workshops and activities of the Volunteer Center through meeting with young people in schools, street information events, etc..

TEAM 3 – Marketers. The group will create templates/formats for the messages to be promoted, creation of the photo/video materials, web page management, etc..

TEAM 4 – Events. This group will organize the public events conceived in the project.

What we search/need:

– Age limits, according to the eligibility rules, 18-30

– Motivated to take part in a 8 month ESC project

– Willing to discover, understand and respect cultural diversity in another country, working in intercultural teams.

More info: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ru8xgsf8z302x76/Romania%20infopack.pdf?dl=0

In order to apply, please send your motivation letter and CV in Europass format (https://europa.eu/europass/en/create-europass-cv) to andctr@yahoo.ro.

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