Терміново: волонтерство у Румунії!

Шукаємо учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) в Арад, Румунія. Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: 15.04.2021 – 15.10.2021.

Opportunity: European Solidarity Corps “VOLUNTEERS FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT

Dates: I stage: 15.04.2021 – 15.10.2021 (6 months)

II stage: dates will be announced later (6 months)

Location: Arad, Romania

Hosting Organization: Ofensiva Tinerilor

About organization:

The mission of Ofensiva Tinerilor is to provide young people with accessible educational opportunities, to help them reach their full potential. In this regard, educating young people in Arad to accept diversity and create a pleasant and safe environment for them is one of the main targets.

In addition, as active members of the European Peer Training Organization, Ofensiva Tinerilor is seeking to help fulfilling the common mission, to help young people embrace the diversity historically built up in this ancient city, but also to promote peer education as a way of social transformation.


– Anti-discrimination workshops in schools, with more than 2000 beneficiaries;

– Training activities for teachers in the field of inclusion and non-formal education, with over 20 schools involved;

– Training activities for youth workers and young volunteers, with more than 200 persons trained who multiplied the programme with more than 2500 young people;

– Volunteering activities in favor of vulnerable groups, with more than 100 young people involved.

The intervention model includes a three-way approach:

1. Education – educating the youngsters to be more tolerant through specific training programmes. This will be achieved by organising weekly anti-discrimination and anti-bullying workshops in different secondary schools form Arad county, and other non-formal activities in partner schools with the aim of promoting European youth programs, the active participation of pupils in them and the stimulation of their own volunteering initiatives with vulnerable groups.

2. Inspiration – having the volunteers become role models for the young people they will be working with. This will be achieved through educational theatre activities in kindergartens and schools, with the volunteers using educational drama to promotes values such as empathy, friendship, respect for diversity and solidarity among children.

3. Action – involving the volunteers and local youngsters in activities that are in favour of vulnerable groups. This will be achieved through involving the volunteers and local youngsters in activities with our partners working with vulnerable groups (Vis de Copil association, CURUCUBEU day centre and other similar institutions from Arad), organising a “Boardgames Tour” (weekly game sessions with young people from privileged and disadvantaged neighbourhoods of the host community) and supporting the volunteers in developing own initiatives aimed at supporting persons and especially children from different socially challenging backgrounds are cared for.

Arad is situated on the West part of Romania, 50 km far from Hungarian border, being the 13th biggest city of Romania, with around 200.000 citizens. In the past Arad was called “little Vienna” because the architecture from the center of the 2 cities were quite similar. The river that runs through the city is called Mureș.

Important Aspects:

Accommodation – rented apartments, 2 persons/room, with access to bathroom (common), kitchen (common) and other utilities.

Meal – you will receive a monthly food allowance so you can arrange your own meals.

Local Transportation – you will receive a monthly tram ticket valid on all tram lines.

Internet – you will have access to internet at the accommodation and work place.

Washing machine and refrigerator – will be found in each apartment.

Profile of the volunteer:

– Between 18-30 years old;

– Resident of the sending country;

– Open and interested in working with persons from the vulnerable groups that we are targeting;

– Able to place this experience in a long-term perspective of personal development;

– Willing to learn new working methods and develop the necessary skills for organising the inclusive activities that will be necessary;

– Ready to adapt to a flexible working programme, but also to follow the responsibilities he/she will be assigned with;

– Being open to leave their comfort zone and integrate in a foreign country;

– Having difficulties in choosing a career or without employment options due to lack of practical experience.

To apply, please, fill out the google form ASAP: https://forms.gle/PwNGbZ3VvAbHQS9y8

If you have any questons, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com


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